Chapter 7

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I changed into my casual clothes, folded the jumpsuit i had used in my bag. Storm follows silently, i took bottles of water from the fridge.
You should take someone with you...
I jumped at the sudden voice behind me but when i turn and saw Michael, i sigh in relief.
I'm sorry, he looked guilty immediately. I didn't mean to startled you.
It's okay, it was my own fault. Fair enough, I'm not going that far, i will be back before sunrise. I walk towards the door, and was stopped by him.
I want to apologise to you on behalf of Sandra...
Please don't embarrass me, you don't have to, i said and went silent, not sure of how to begin my next word.
Is it okay if my friends come over? A male and a female, one is injured.
That's not a problem.
They might be here before i come back.
I will take care of that.

I returned the item. On my way back, i overhead some people at various places gossiping about the alpha's burnt house. I came to know that his family had died in the fire.
He's lucky i didn't kill him along.
Luna! Anne shouted from where she's playing, she ran towards me and paused.
what's wrong?
You lied. I did not see you when i woke up.
But you see me now. How about you stop calling me Luna? I don't like it.
But you are the Luna.
No, Sandra is the Luna.
You are lying again. I saw you and you disappeared.
That's bad of me. Not that i really have any idea of what she's talking about. She can't be hallucinating, right? She's too small for that. But how can she know the real Luna? Could this be a trap? A dreadful feeling watch over me at the thought of someone else knowing the secret. If I'm known ,everything will be over for me.
You won't want me to leave, right? then stop calling me Luna.
She was silent for a moment before speaking again. Okay
Now go back to your friends. I watch as she ran back to her playing friends.
You have visitors waiting for you. Justin said.
Where are they?
Third room to yours. Michael wants to see you.
How long have you known Sandra?
For years, her father has been my
my father's beta.
So why is she stirring the peace of the pack. She's always looking for trouble.
We don't know what has gotten into her, she was a quiet person. All of a sudden she just changed.
Didn't you find anything suspicious about her?
Not yet.
Better keep an eye on her, she can pose a threat to the pack. And please do me a favour, this conversation should be a secret between us. Will you?
He simply nodded

I knocked on Michael office's door,  i heard him asking me to come in.
Five layers of bookshelf with cabinets were right at a corner on his left side, chamomile flowers on the other side on the window. TV plasma smaller than the one in the living room hanged on the wall opposite him. The tiled floor colour, matched the warm white paint of the wall perfectly. The more reason i like this pack, being the development pack they are, other packs standards are nothing compared to them. Even the nature is on their side. Natural flow of water, cool green grass but sadly, thugs, rapist, and thieves are among.
You want to see me?
She's human.
I know.
He rose his head from his computer and our eyes met. Quickly, i look down avoiding his gaze. Making a compromise is the least of thing i want to do.
It's not safe for her here.
Anger builds up in me. Aren't you the alpha of this pack? Had she being your friend, would you not do anything in your power to protect her?
Alphas are all the same, they do only what benefit them i know... but still, i wasn't expecting this from him.
I'm sorry...
I understand, i sigh. We'll leave tomorrow.
Your mother said...
Don't worry about that, i cut him off abruptly. i will talk to her.

I walked into Kate's room. She is sleeping peacefully. I sat beside her. Her colour has worn out, her temperature is high, enough to burn down the room. I replaced the compressor on her forehead. I noticed a shadow in the balcony which i presumed to be Hartley.
I slide the glass door open, there he is, resting on the the railings, lost.
Hey ...
He turned around to face me. Where did you go?
No questions, no lies. I took a seat. What were you thinking about so deep?
I look away from him, playing with my gloved hands.
Do you remember we once talk about revenge? I changed my mind, revenge won't bring them back nor undone what has happened, it only turns you to evil.
Good choice. I glance at him. May i know why you are you telling me this?
Maybe you should too.
How long have we been friends?
8 years.
That was a long time, i wouldn't want us to be enemies. Don't get involve in this mess., Stop trying to convince me either.
How long has she been sleeping? I asked
An hour.
She's boiling. Would she be okay? Rest assured. She's getting better. He took the other seat. Why don't you give her a chance to explain?
She has nothing to explain.
Is been years.
Does that change anything?
She came looking for you, shouldn't you consider that? He paused.
Everything you saw was just acting. I was the one behind it.
Why? I asked calmly.
He knows where you were.
Alpha Daniel warned Kate to throw you out from their house but she paid no heed to his warning. When he discovered you are still living with them, he went to Kate's house fortunately, her parents weren't home that day, he met Kate and threatened to kill her family. Out of fear, she ran to our house and when i saw alpha Daniel, i knew what danger is knocking, i came up with the plan. You think seeing me that night was just a coincidence? No. Kate called me. He came looking for you after you were gone and when he couldn't find you, he kidnap Kate's sister. Kate insisted she doesn't know where you were. Her parents went to police station to report, they returned only to found the dead body of the child at their door step with his letter. Kate's father threw her out of the house that same day. Since then she's being living with us.
I gripped on my hair, frustrated. So much has happened and you both hid it from me. And Brian?
He relocated.
I stood up. We are leaving here tomorrow morning. Staying here will endanger the pack and before we know it, Kate would be everyone's target. We will stay at my teacher's house.
Thankfully he say nothing. Hartley is an amazing friend, very understanding and i will always respect him for that. But he has these soft side which I'm afraid can be used against him here. Being the elder, he has always looking after each and everyone. Now i think is up to me to do my part because this time, nobody is going to die.
He touched me. Are you alright?
Yes. i lied.
Where is she?
You had better not thinking of meeting her. She will play with your mind before you know.
He look at me deadpanned.
Come on, don't give me that look, i stopped the day i almost got that child killed. Overall she uses magic.
Do you hear the conversation of alpha Jackson yesterday night.
I tuned my back to him. I need your help, you will surveil them. I want to know everything they do, where they went and who they meet. Most importantly, i want to know when they receive the date.
What does that got to do with you? He questioned curiously.
They are planning to attack this pack. Who is alpha Linger?
Alpha king. Alpha Jackson and him are partners in crime but him and alpha Lucas are the public eyes.
They were not present in the alpha's meeting.
They go there once in a while. Alpha Linger is a wild beast. He can do anything for power.
Interesting. Where does he lives?
Don't you even think of it. He freaked out. A man who killed his mate, you should imagine what more he can do. His cruelty drove his children away from him, i heard.
I'm not visiting him yet, besides, i still have lots of things to take care of. I turned to him. Where are the others? I need someone to be with Kate, she shouldn't be alone.
Den will stay with her. We need to split. Those in the city-
The few here will do. I don't need anybody with me.
That is what worries me, you might get caught.
I will be safe, you have my word. I assured him. I have somewhere to go tomorrow.
Are you aware that alpha of blood pack is throwing party for his son.
Blood pack? I tilts my head. That sounds weird. Who is the alpha?
You've been around for years, how come you don't know?
I don't have time to waste on a useless alpha. I whispered.
Alpha Lucas.
Thanks for having you back, i can do this all alone. I smirked. Let's pay him a visit, it will be fun.
He looked at me as if I've gone mad. I'm not in for any of your games.
You have no choice. We are back together now.
Are you not the one who always wanted to be alone.
Knowing he's right i quickly ask him a question which i know will make him gives in.
Aren't you planning on becoming alpha?
To become alpha is not a day job, you need to be prepared.
Are you saying you are not prepared? I folded my hands over my chest. That doesn't sound like the Hartley i knew, you are not thinking of dropping Kate and leave, are you? When i received no answer i continue. Maybe Kate dragging you here was fate. So many things has happened in your absence. People were slaughtered every week, some were hanged, their children were left outside, under rain and sun. Other pack are not so different. He stand up and i pushed him down back.
To rescue them, you need to stay alive and to stay alive, bury your emotions, get rid of your Fear, excuses, and worry. Once you have these under control, you won't have any problem dealing with whatever comes your way. You see, life is a game, you just need to play it. It's  a challenge you need to take. You can never achieve anything without taking a risk. I realised a lot of things living in the forest.  My first night was terrifying, second night was the same but gradually my fear disappeared. My mind was made up before stepping into that forest, i will rather be killed by animals than alpha Daniel.
My mother used to tell me,  "going after a dream has a price. It may makes you go through hardship, it may leads to death or disappointment but however costly it may be, don't quit as long as it benefits others". I don't understand those words back then, but now,  I'm starting to understand them.
My eyes sting from the tears that starting to form in my eyes at the memory of my mother sitting me down in the cool breeze of evening at goddess river lecturing me, and then to her death. I moved a distance from him, leaning on the railings.
His hand sneak around me. I suddenly hate myself. I have kept this feeling at the back of my mind for years, it has been my strength, i won't let it be my weakness now.
You don't have to hide your pain from me. He comforted me. His ripped orange aura lingered all around as i stood there in silence  listening to him.

Avalon 💙

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