Chapter 14

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What kind of flower? I asked.
Rafflesia hasseltii.
What does it looks like? I question again looking at Hartley, who also seems to have no idea of what she's talking about.
This is it.
She showed us the picture from the book. I took the book from her, after studying it for awhile, i realized someone has done the same thing before.
There's a chance of Emily surviving,
someone has once blocked her wolf. Here are...
That was a long time. Venoita interrupted me. She was a complete werewolf, Emily is hybrid. She reminded for the thousand time.
This...this doesn't look like a flower.
Its a flower. It's parasitic organism has no visible leaves, sterms or root. With the smell of rotting meat or a decaying corpse.
It can be found in a rainforest in Kerinci Seblat National Park, Sumatra in Indonesia.
You mean we can't find it in any anywhere near?
No. She face Michael. Alpha, i need your help, you and Hartley need to embark on a trip to Sumatra, right now.
What? Both of them echoed.
The flower is important, she focused her gaze on Hartley. I can't do anything without it. While you were there, we'll be making preparations of the other flowers, till you come back.
It will take us a week or more than that. Michael spoke.
I will handle that, just tell me you are ready.
Wait, said Hartley. Didn't you said where we're going is a forest?
How long will we be gone?
Probably a day or two. That depends on when you get the flower.
So what will happen happen at night?
You will not know even if night come.
I- My phone rang, i checked the caller, unknown number. I pocket it. My eyes met with Hartley's before i face Venoita.
Why? I asked.
Throughout their staying with be daylight.
What do you mean?
We will buy them time.
I remain silent, more confused than ever.
How can someone buy time? Is that what she did for Emily? Did she buy time for her?
I need to get my bag. Hartley said but she waved him off.
That won't be need
Can i see you for a minute? Michael asked Venoita.
They both excused us.
When Michael said "can i see you for a minute", i had thought he was against them going to Sumatra but i wrong.
I have never hate someone so much in my life as i hate this woman right now. She's evil. Emily is dying, the only person I'm left with, she planning on sending him to the place of no return.
Hartley is not going. I said sternly.
She looked at me with an expression i couldn't identify, before she could speak, i held Hartley's hand.
I can't let you go. What if you don't return? What will i tell Emily?
One of Hartley's hand rested on mine, for a moment, i thought he's with me.
I'm sure she must have thought it through before sending us. He says.
You're right. Someone will be there to assist you.
I'm ready. Hartley announced.
I hate the woman more.
I look up at him, hoping he would change his mind but he gave my hand a gentle squeeze instead.
Let do this for Emily. He says.
Before my eyes, a big hole appear at the room. Michael entered and Hartley followed.
Remember not to breath in its scent too deeply.
She called behind them and the circle close.
Everything looks normal, except their absent.
Where are they?
Gone. Venoita replied, she face me. I know you are worried about your friends, i assured you that nothing will happen to them. I'm not an evil woman, so please don't hate me.
I speechlessly stared at her as she walked away.
I'm interrupted by my phone again.
i tucked it out, the same unknown number.
Won't you pick it? Rose asked as if she's disturbed by the ringing of the phone.
I debated whether or not to answer. This is her first time speaking to me. She ordered people around too much, that too, with a annoying face. I decided she's the least of my person.
I don't know the caller. Emily and Hartley warned me not to speak to stranger.
Give it here. She stretched forth her hand. I can help you. She added friendly.
I handed the phone over to her.
Hello, she says. If i may ask, may i know who is this?
She went silent, and when she will speak, she says, "is your mother".
My eyes widened in confusion. Why is she calling me now after all this years? Where did she get my number? Hartley didn't tell me anything about meeting her or giving her my number. It can also be a wrong number.
My mother is dead.
I don't think so. She put it on speaker and my mother's thin voice cried out.
Kate, please talk to me.
Tell her, it's a wrong number.
Kate don't be rude. She flared up. She's your mother. Come on, talk to her. She added softly.
I collected the phone from her and step away from her.
What do you want?
She cried silently over the phone.
I believe you don't call me to cry.
How are you?
I'm doing well without you. Tell me what you want. Why are you calling me?
I want to tell you, she paused. I'm really sorry.
Sorry? Yeah. I'm sure you will be, a mother who thrown her daughter out of the house for six years is suddenly calling to say sorry. Unfortunately she's not around, kindly leave behind a message, your message will be delivered once she comes back.
I want us to meet, please.
I don't want to see you. My hand went to the end button, to end the call.
Wait, wait. Don't hang up, please. She pleaded.
You have five seconds.
I'm glad you doing fine.
I can hear her sniffling over the phone.
Morgan gave me your number.
Did you just say Morgan gave you my number? I asked disbelief.
Yes, she gave me when she came over to my house.
Mom, are you drunk?
Of course not. She paused. She want us to accept you back.
Is like a cold slap on the face. I can't really believe she trying to get rid of me. Did she hate me so much?
I suddenly wished Hartley is here. Den is right, the Morgan i knew doesn't exist anymore.


    In the dream...

I've been running like a marathon runner for hours, i can't say this is exactly why I'm running or what is chasing me or where I'm running to. Whatever the reason of my running maybe, it doesn't seem simple. I always ended back to where i started each time i run.
Though is noon, but inside the forest is cold and windy.
My legs hurts from running, my body aches. I'm terribly hungry and thirsty. Nothing in the forest that can quench my thirst nor my hunger.
Decided to catch my breath, i sat down under a tree to rest, ignoring the feeling that I'm been watched.
I needed to calm down. I rested my head on the trees and draw my eyes close. Not long, i felt someone's present. Opening my eyes, a greenish eyes is starring back me.
Stand up. He commanded.
One of them roughly pull me up from the tree when i pretend not to hear.
and threw me on the ground at the feets of the greenish eyes man, with a hard kick.
I heard my rip broken. I groan in pain. I tried to stand but my leg did not support me. Shiver went up my spine. I'm too weak to fight them.
Who the hell are you? I whispered, trying to stand up. I had barely stand on one leg with the support of my hands when I'm grabbed by my hair.
You want to know? Why are you so stubborn? You are making us running after you, why?
I pick up one of falling twig and thrust it in the nearest part, on his neck.
You bitch! He hit me before pulling out the twig.
I felt one of them injecting something in my body.
My brain fail to function. I have no strength to stand. I lay still, helplessly. I couldn't get a perfect view of the tree above me as my vision is blurry.
I don't know how long i slept, but when i woke up, they were still there, five of them. Looking at me as if they want to devour me.
My hands are now tied to tree.
You are awake? The one i spat on his face said. This should be fun, isn't it? He smirked.
Pray that you don't die in my hand.
That is if i let you stay live. The greenish eyes replied.
His eyes is cold and evil.
He began to trace my jawline deeply with a knife.
"Fear", that is what they want to see, and I'm not someone to give them that satisfaction.
I watch as my blood falls on the ground.
He seems to be enjoying it because he put his hand and the blood drops on his hand.
I glared at him in anger. Suddenly i saw thick smoke emerge from the other side of the forest. It buoyant through their ears and noses. The smoked choked them all.
I close my eyes, expecting it to waft through my nose.
Why are you doing this to yourself? A feminine voice said.
I opened my eyes, met with blue eyes, twinkled at me as her lips twisted slightly.
I don't have enough word to describe her.
She untied me.
What do you mean? My body trembled as i stood up.
You could have stop them from hurting you. Why don't you fight them?
How do you expect me to fight? Do i look like a magician or something?
Why don't you accept who you are?
We began walking. And who am i- I lost my balance and fell.
Look what you've done to yourself.
she gave me a hand to help me up.
I swear i felt something transfer into my body from her as i slip my hand into hers.
She smile warmly when she saw me looking at her.
This world is full of ups and down, to make a place for yourself, you need to fight for your right.
I don't have anything to fight for.
How long will you run away from your responsibilities?
Excuse me? I snapped. I stopped walking but she continues.
Who are you?
You hated that question so much that it's got you angry when someone ask you. Why don't you try to find who you are? Then you will know who i am.
If  you want to know who you are and your biological parents, Daniel can tell you.
Then she disappeared.

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