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I found this fellow, drunk as could be outside of his tavern of choice. I'd been looking for someone to try this with for a while, and he presented himself as the greatest possible recipient. I know later in life he will thank me.

This will be my report and documentation of the following experiment: fear.

I strapped his unconscious body to a stretcher and secured it. Afterward, I darkened the room and donned my voice altering device. I would hate to be identified by any characteristic.

It took a while for the subject to wake. As predicted he tested the restraints, assuming there would be someway to break free of them. After that failed, he began calling for help. I wanted him to be as softened as possible if I'm honest. A cooperative subject is a good subject.

When I felt it was time to begin, I switched on the light above the stretcher, the only thing he would see had to be my hands. "Good morning." I said as polite as I could.

He looked around the room, stirred by my sudden presence. He assumed that the light would help him see, not knowing he was better off in the dark. "Who the () are you" he asked.

I say this now, because I care. He made quite a few unnecessary comments with words that showed his primitive nature. So I will refrain from quoting those exactly. "Would you like some tea?" I asked him, honestly trying to be polite. The tea was roughly 60% honey, just so you know.

"Why the () am I here?" He shouted this at me. Understandable, but unneeded.

I chuckled. "You are here to answer my questions." I set the cup of tea on a table next to his stretcher. "You see, all through my life I've been curious about one thing, fear. Personally I have no fear, and this presented a problem. I want to know how different types of fear affects the human mind, possibly allowing us to dance together on the edge of madness." I did a little dancing twirl, but he didn't see that. I don't even know how much of that he heard since he was spending a majority of the time yelling at me to let him go. I took out the things I had purchased from a hardware store. Really good price too. It's like a clamp really, but meant to hold things open, in this case, I used it on his mouth. Before he knew what was happening, I shoved it into his mouth and pried it open. Perfect. I brought over one of those lie detecting devices. Lifted it from a police station. Older model and not needed, but still worked.

He was still gurgling.

I picked up the tea and poured it into his mouth. I understand if his pain at that point happened to be because of the temperature. I forgot to blow on it a little, I felt bad for that, but sometimes we forget these things.

"Now that you're listening a little better, I will explain the process. I will introduce different kinds of fear to you. These are what I call: Natural, environmental and situational. Each of these will have two options, and I will allow you to pick which one you want to experience. And don't worry, I won't let any of these kill you, but be assured this wont change your reaction."

I picked a snake, small but still a biter out of one box. Out of another box I picked up a tarantula. I drained it though just to be safe. The honey that I poured down his throat would attract them. I then set them down on his legs, letting them move up his body. I could tell he noticed. "I have placed a snake, and spider on your body, you can feel them, I can tell. For the rest f this experiment you will have control of your voice, but for this, we will have to settle for the blinking method of communication. Blink once if you want me to remove the snake, and twice for spider. No, I won't tell you want kinds they are, you will just have to follow your fears."

He struggled against the restraints, a promising start to be sure, but the creatures themselves were moving faster than expected. "The last thing you should know, is that the tea I have you happened to be absolutely full of honey. The last guy I had in hear was allergic to honey. This happens from time to time, I'm just happy to see that you are reacting normally." The two critters were now on his belly. "I'd pick one soon though. You wouldn't want them both going down your throat."

The man was struggling, looking down with nervous and shaky eyes. It was an abundance of data. It took, and I timed it, one whole minute until he finally picked one. His eyes blinked only once, and held it down so I knew he only wanted one. So I flicked the snake off, letting the spider continue down into his mouth. There was horror in his eyes, thinking it would keep going. I wouldn't let it honestly, that would be too much trouble. Instead, I had planned ahead and tied a little string around its front legs. It quickly reached the limit of the string, forcing it to go back.  I recorded that venture for further study. The spider went to his Adam's apple. The first peak of horror. I looked at the read out, taking note of his body's reactions.

When the spider was clear, I scooped it up and placed it in its box. After that I removed his mouth restraint. This brought a surprising result. I had been expecting him to let out another string of terrible words. Instead, he began pleading.

I figure that fear, brings out the true side of ourselves. Destroying the tough or shy wall we hide behind. The only thing you can't fake. "You know, by the end of this, I'll probably know more about you than your own mother."

He kept pleading. Pitiful really, but I couldn't stop so soon. I held up a bottle of water in one hand, and a lighter in the other. "Would you like to experience drowning, or burning?" I asked.

"Please, you dot have to do this, I'll pay you anything!"

"Science doesn't take bribes. Now pick one, or I will do both at once, trust me, I can do it."

He uttered a small cry, I could tell he didn't eat to answer. Once I felt he was taking far too long, I lite the lighter. Sure enough, this ignited a response from him. "Fire! Please don't water board me."

I smiled. "Here's the interesting thing about fire." I said to him as I poured my own special blend of water and oil onto him. "You probably won't even feel it burning at first." And then I treated him like a candle. He was engulfed by the fire faster than I had thought.

I knew he hadn't felt it yet. The first set of his screams were of surprise, more at the image of his body on fire. It was only when his screams became forced, and deeper, frantic even, that I knew he was beginning to feel the pain. "Interesting fact about burn victims. Did you know, that about eighty to ninety of all burn victims don't even die from the fire itself? Most of the time, they die from smoke inhalation before it can reach them. You are feeling something extraordinarily rare."

However, like all good things I had to stop it. Otherwise his burns would become to severe to continue.  At this point, I dumped buckets of water onto his body. It was enough to displace the rest of the grease instead of igniting the water further. His sighs blended with the steam coming off of his body. With the sigh of relief out, he began in-taking gasps of breath, and coughing out the inhaled smoke. I gave him exactly ten seconds to do this. More than generous I think.

Now for the final, I said, clapping my hands together. It's time for you to leave, and I'm giving you the pleasure of choosing. You can either take a tumble down quite a few flights of stairs, breaking a few bones I'm sure, but I'll bind you in a way that allows you to live. The second option, my personal favorite, is to take a brief fall to the street. We are on the second floor, and I have tested this fall on others, you will not die if you relax, but you will still break an arm, possibly two. You have exactly five seconds to make a decision before I make it for you."

He stuttered at first, but he clearly based  his choice on the urge to get out as fast as possible. "Window."

"As you wish." I grabbed the stretcher by the far end, and pushed it up, as though I was pushing a bed back into a wall. I set it up so his body would be out of the open window, kept there only by the restraints. "I hope you had a good time. You're lucky you know?"

"Help me!" He shouted. I don't think he realized just how much I had helped him.

"When you heal up you'll be free of some many fears that could easily be considered questionable. And in the end you'll find it what you should be afraid of." I cut and arm restraint and a leg restraint with my knife. He was now hanging from two restraints, I'm sure it must have been painful, but nothing compared to the fall he would experience. "You should be afraid of me. Now go break a leg." I chuckled as I cut the last two restraints. The sheer terror in his shriek was incredible. My only regret is that he couldn't remain hooked up to the machines while falling, something I will have to remedy in my next experiment. Hearing him hitting the ground was less than impressive, but still worth it. I pulled the stretcher back down, and shouted it the window "Don't worry, I'll call the ambulance."

And I did what I said. I walked over to the phone, took off the voice altering device, and called 911. How quick they were. I know he was trying to tell them that I was up stairs, but he was still hacking up the smoke, and a rib had collapse, pressing against his diaphragm. Just as planned.

I then calmly pack my supplies, cleaned up, and left. I'll probably move somewhere near the water. My job certainly pays me well enough. I can only imagine what the next set of tests might be. Notes will be continued, and I just might try the alternative tests as well, such as the drowning, and stairs. I'd like to have that data as well.

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