PArt 7

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Hey, short chapter, but I'm trying ok!

Once they had (finally) woken Merlin up, and got him out of the lake they were all surrounding a fire Merlin had built, enjoying the warmth. That is until the brought up the subject.

"Alright then, your arms and legs" Elyan said. I probably looked confused for a moment, I had completely forgotten the events of last night, how, I have no idea, but not a moment to soon, it all came back to me, everyone was looking at me expectantly. "Ok, well, uh, heh heh I wasn't kidnapped, only once"he said with an apologetic smile, the second he said that, everyone was silent, each mimicked the person before.


"How many?" Aurther said with his voice matching his voice. "Aurther-" I started, hopping I could get out of telling him that I've been in Morgana's clutches more that's a dozen times, but being the impatient clotpole he is, he interrupted me.

"How..many?" I can hear the pain in his voice. It's time he knew. "Fifteen"I finally say.

Everyone still had their painful face, but now they were contorted with shock, I really didn't know they cared this much, why do they care this much? But my thoughts were cut off by none other than the royal dollophead himself, "f-fifteen?"

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