Chapter 1: Waking Up

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(Willa's POV)

My arms feel weird. Then again, I feel weird. I am not my normal triangular shape, I have, limbs? My arms do feel weird, heavy. Very heavy. I try opening my eyes, wait, eyes? I am barely able to flutter my eyes open. Four, blurry figures loom over me.

"Look! She is finally waking up!!" I hear a girl say.

"Mabel, hush. She probably is very confused and doesn't need a lot of noise," I hear a gruff voice say, why does it sound familiar?

My head was like lead and my arms aren't much better. I am able to move them, so I am not tied down, that's a good sign. I take a deep breath and use a little magic to sit myself up. My body was human!

"Whoa there, it's okay. Take it easy, you have been through a lot," said that gruff voice.

I manage to stay upright, thank goodness for magic. My eyesight finally agrees with my mind and clears up. I see a girl with long brown hair and braces smiling, a boy with a pine tree hat and concerned look, and two older men who looked quite similar except.... Stanford!?

"Pine family, why did it have to be them? Of all places!" I say aloud to myself while covering my face, my voice sounds weird, then again, everything had a weirdness factor past the scale of my brother.

They all exchange weird looks among themselves. The one with the hat grips my shoulder as I nearly fall over. I look at all their faces. This was bad, this was very, very bad.

(Dipper's POV)

She had fallen here a week ago, Grunkle Ford said that he would help keep her stable until she woke up. She was kind of pretty, and peaceful. I don't think I have ever found a person that was that peaceful when they sleep. Grunkle Ford stayed in her room most of the time to keep a close eye on her, he said something wasn't right with her. I stayed because, well, it's Gravity Falls, and she fell from the sky into our "backyard". How could I not? She seemed interesting. Finally, she woke up, but something was wrong. She was uptight and not revealing her face. Was it me, or does her skin have a yellowish tint to it? Probably just the fluids that Grunkle Ford was pumping her with.

"Pine family, why did it have to be them? Of all places!" she sighed.

Then she nearly fell off the bed, how could I not help her? The girl uncovers her face. Her eyes, they were different. She didn't have pupils per say, more like a snake's or a cat's pupils. She seemed ashamed of something, like she realized something, but didn't want to realize it.

"What is your name?" I asked her, seemed like a good question to start with.


Willa avoided eye contact with everyone. She hugged herself, like she was nervous or scared of us.

"That's a nice name! I'm Mabel!" said my twin sister holding out her hand.

Willa looks at Mabel's hand with an interesting expression, like she hated shaking hands. Finally, she held out her own and shook hands with Mabel. Willa seemed near tears. Poor girl, she probably went through a lot and was super confused about everything. Her eyes still disturbed me, only one person had those types of eyes, and he was gone, right?

"What is your full name?" I asked.

She hesitated before answering.

"Willa... Cipher," she hid her face in her hands as we all gasped.

No way, Bill had a sister? Or was this an idea of a sick joke? She cringed as we all gasped, and she looked scared of us, terrified even. Willa moved her legs so that she was hugging them and hiding her face in them. I reached out to help her because she was tipping again, but she whimpered and scooted more towards the wall, if that was possible. Grunkle Ford looked confused like trying to remember something about her or anything he knew about Bill. Mabel looked near tears for some reason. Grunkle Stan left the room, probably to grab something.

(Willa's POV)

The one with the hat, Dipper I think, kept trying to stabilize me, I think. Judging from what Bill said, he might try to harm me, but he had one of the journals. I moved so far away out of reach of everyone, I didn't realize I was at the edge of the bed. Next thing I knew, I am sitting on the floor, what was this feeling on my back? Mabel runs over to help me up. She grabs my hands and pulls me up. Then she does something weird. She puts her arms on my back and buries her head in my shoulder. I stand there, not knowing what to do. Mabel sniffs and looks at me in the eyes, I avoid her stare. Who could I trust? I don't even trust my twin brother. The older man with the fez comes back with a tray of food, at least, that's what it looks like. He sets in down on the bed, waiting for something. I stay in the corner, why are all of them still staring at me like that? Was it fear? Horror? Sadness? Anger? I don't know. Then Mabel leaves the room and comes back pushing a mirror. She sets it up in front of me. My hair was yellow with black highlights, my dress was tattered and yellow. I was barefoot, and my skin looked almost yellowish and my eyes. My eyes had pupils going straight through the eye, not like a human's, but like my brother's. I looked scared and that was obvious. And the worst part, I knew why I was here, and why Bill was sending his minion.

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