Chapter 16: The Last Member

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(Will's POV)

I decided to take a walk. I needed to clear my head. Willa was now stuck in demon form. She has been since she healed Jenna. I feel bad, but it was her fault making a deal with Tad. My shoulder bumped someone, and I immediately apologized. The girl laughed and patted my shoulder.

"It's ok! Really! No need to cry..." she stated quietly as tears stung my eyes.

"S-sorry!! Please let me buy you coffee!!" I bowed, and she laughed again.

"It was a simple bump..."

"I insist! Please!" I plead with her.

She finally nods, and we walk silently until we reach Greasy's Diner. We sit down at a booth and sit in silence.

"So.... what is your name?" She asks with a gentle smile on her face.

"My name is Will Cipher.... you?"

"Oh! My name is Violetta Kaliri. I like your hair, blue is a cool color."

"Oh thanks... I like yours. Purple is nice too," I say, while rubbing my arm nervously.

She giggled at my shyness and our coffee came out.

"Well thanks for the coffee Will. This was fun," Violetta winked at me.

"Oh, uh yeah! Sure. Sorry for bumping into you..."

"I said it was ok! Really it is!"

I still shrugged and looked down at my lap. I decided to visit her mind. She was thinking about me?!? I looked up surprised.

"What? Will? Is everything okay!?" she asked worriedly.

"Yeah! I am okay! I was just uh... remembered something!" I tried to come up with an excuse.

"What is it!?" Violetta asked.

"My sister is ill. I need to get home!" I stood up after I finished my coffee.

"Oh no! I'll come with!"

"No no! It's ok! Really."

I tried to go for the door and she grabbed my arm. My eyes widened.

"Let me help!" She shouted as I pulled her out the door.

"I-I can't!!"

I kept running and the whole way home, she kept up.

I burst through the doors of the apartment with Violetta at my heels. At my sudden stop, she ran right into my back, causing both of us to grunt and blush. I looked behind me and sighed. She was still here.

"Will?! Is that you? Did you get what we needed?" I hear Bill shout from down the hall.

Oh no... I was on my way to the store when I bumped into Violetta. Sighing, I walk to where Bill's voice came from and left Violetta to stare at our "lavish" apartment.


"Why not!?" his eye immediately turned red.

I cowered, then I saw Willa float out of the closet where she was in before. My eye gave her a questioned look and her eye gave me a soft look.

"What's wrong Will?" she asked quietly.

"I-I forgot.... to grab the groceries."

She looked at me and laughed, "Because you met that girl?"

I looked up at her with a surprised expression. My voice stuttered, "H-how did you know???"

"Because she is standing in the doorway."

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