Chapter 13: The Dreamscape

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I don't know if Bill will truly be the "Phantom" but I kind of always thought of the two like Christine and Eric.

(Ashley's POV)

I am going to shoot my family, I swear!!! They act like royalty even though they lost the mansion. They are living in a two-bedroom condo and that is why I have to stay at the Pines'. Not that I'm complaining. They can actually care for themselves, and therefore I am learning. But Pacifica's parents act just like mine and I feel bad for Pacifica. She doesn't deserve them. They treat her like a pet that needs potty training when she is almost 14! Although, my parents treat me the same way. I mentally sigh and continue to walk down the rain kissed side walk. I didn't call for a taxi because I have legs and I can use them. However, my fitness tracker says I'm on mile five and I haven't even entered the woods. My legs are in pain and I really need to stop and sit down, however, I read somewhere that if you sit down, the acids or something in your body settle and then it hurts even more to get starting again. This time, I let out a real sigh. Why do I have to check in my uncle and aunt everyday? Oh yeah, because they are terrible. With their stupid smiles and their home which they tried to make it look expensive, but it just failed miserably. Unfortunately for Pacifica, they somehow kept that stupid bell and they still use it on her. I pass a bus stop and my brain just moves my legs over to it and I sit down. It felt good, but I knew it wouldn't later. Why did I choose wedges? Oh yeah, because of my aunt and uncle. I let out a groan and cover my face in my hands as the storm opens up again.

"Perfect... thank you. Stupid sky," I mutter, my voice was muffled by my cold hands.

Just as I was about to curl up on the bench and wallow in self pity, a sound interrupts me. I look up and see a black umbrella. My eyes wander next to me and Bill Cipher was sitting next to me.

"Stay out in the rain and you'll catch a cold," he smirks at me and I want to punch his face, "Now now, no need for violence."

I stare at him dumbfounded, how did he know? He sighs ad moves closer that both of us were under the umbrella comfortably.

"Did you read the book I gave you?" he asks.

"No. Dipper took it away to examine it."

"Oh, well that sucks. Did you look at the page I marked?"

"No. I just said Dipper took it away! I couldn't see it!"

"Now now, calm down. It explained what I was... but I suppose I can tell you. It would be more fun to see the expression on your face."

Now I was bored. I went to stand, but Bill grabbed my wrist and pulled me down again. I glare at him, but he just smirked at me.

"Do you really want to get all wet? Come to my place, it's close."

"HA! Me? Going to a guy's house? Sorry, a stranger's house?" I scoff.

"We aren't strangers, we've introduced ourselves and we have met several times. Besides, my brothers and sister live with me, so you'll be fine."

I am at a loss for words. And, almost in a trance, when he stands I stand and follow. Bill puts his arm around my shoulders and I felt too tired to fight it off. My feet trudge as we walk to this apartment complex. I don't even remember walking up the stairs. We just were up. He unlocks the door and helps me inside. I was hit with a blast of heat and wanted to sleep so badly. Bill led me to the couch and I spread out as he put a blanket over me. My eyes felt heavy and I saw three others walk into the room as I fell asleep.

(Bill's POV)

Ha! Mortals. They think they are immune to magic? Puh-lease. They are the easiest thing to bring over. Even a frog has more will power than a human. My siblings join me in the living room as I make her fall asleep. Kill slaps me on the back.

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