Chapter 6: Intruder

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Bill was in his human form, but before I could get a good look at him, he had me pinned against the wall, hand on my neck. I choked and tried to get air, but it was hard.

"Ha... HAHAHA!!! So pathetic! How is it, that only one of my siblings is actually like me?" he laughs and smirks as I continue to choke.

"Bill Cipher..." Stanford says, as he points a laser ray at Bill.

"Ah! Sixer! My favorite Muse, how has life treated you? You still look old... you too, Stanley. And by my non-existent beard... is that Pine Tree and Shooting Star? Look how big you've gotten!" Bill yells.

Suddenly, two lollipops are in the twins' mouths. Dipper and Mabel spit them out and try to run for me, but I use my magic to stop them.

"Ohh... so you do still use your magic? And here I thought you never did," Bill keeps smirking as I start to lose consciousness.

Everything starts going black, but I stay awake. I must. If I don't... something may happen to the only people that ever cared for me.

"Willa!!" Dipper yells.

"D-Dipper..." I weakly state.

Bill starts laughing again and drops me. I start gasping, trying to get air back into my lungs.

"Well, it has been nice. But we have to go!" he states and grabs the collar of my shirt.

"Not a step, Cipher. Leave Willa here and get out!" Stanford protests.

"Since when has threatening worked on me Sixer?!"

A shot is heard and Bill shouts as a hole is now in his shoulder.

"How about now?"

"You will regret that Sixer. Let's go Willa!"

"N-no... I can't leave! P-please," I start sobbing.

"Ah great. Now you are crying, well, you know what the punishment for that is."

"B-Bill... p-please!" I sob.

"Nope! We're out of here!" Bill shouts.

As we start to teleport, I use my magic to hold us down. I hear shredding of some kind and look down to see my arm nearly twisted backwards. The pain set in and I started crying louder. In my mind I sent a message to my youngest brother... I really hope he gets it. Finally, I lose my hold and I get warped with Bill to who-knows-where.

(Dipper's POV)

"Willa!!" I shout again.

But she was gone. I saw her try to keep a hold, but then she was gone. Willa... the only demon that was nice... was gone. Tears prick my eyes and Mabel hugs me.

"G-Grunkle Ford?" I manage to choke out.

"Yes, Dipper?" was the reply.

"We need to get Willa back..."


So, we started to make plans.

(Bill's POV)

I landed in the woods with my sister. She was holding her shoulder and bawling like a baby. I kneel down in front of her and touch her shoulder. Willa shudders under the touch, but, she is powerless to stop me.

"Now, look what you did? Only bad things happen when you mess with the Pines."

She shivers and look up at me. Her two eyes meeting my one. I grab her chin and turn her head.

"Hmm... two eyes... now isn't that breaking the rule?"

"R-rule?" she stutters like an idiot.

"Ugh, yes. We Ciphers, can only have one eye!"

Her eyes widen as I smile. Good, she knew what I was going to do.

"N-no! P-please Bill, p-please," she sobs and grabs my wrist with her good hand.

"Now be a good little demon and hold still."

Her screams were music to my ears.

(Willa's POV)

I wake up in a cave. Cold, alone, and in pain. Tears make their way back to my eye. I don't remember the last time I kept crying like this. I feel the right side of my face... an eye patch is tied around my now non-existent eye. My nerves start firing up again and my shoulder and eye start hurting more. A hand is suddenly on my shoulder and I look up to see Bill.

"Morning. You were out for a solid three hours. Who knew that taking one's eye would do that to them? Oh wait, you passed out because of the pain, weakling."

He bends down to get eye level with me. I try to shrink back, but he grabs both of my shoulders.

"Well, at least you match the rest of us."

"W-what? What happened to the others?!"

"Well, one got in a fight and lost it, and Will... well, he is in enough trouble in his dimension."

"Oh no... poor Will..." I start tearing up again.

"Geez! Even in a moment of crisis for you, you still think of that crybaby?! Wow, such heart... not!"

"Bill... your shoulder..."

I reach for it and he smacks my hand. Closing my eye, I reach for it again and heal it. I feel the energy leaving me and I start tilting. Bill catches me in one arm.

"Look at you, sister. You still worry about me when you are injured? Well, I won't return the favor. Stay here. I need to get people food."

"B-Bill?" I say weakly as he lays me down on the hard ground.

"What?!" he snaps.

"Why don't you take us to the dreamscape?"

"Because I have business here, Dummy."


I fall asleep as his steps recede from me.

(Dipper's POV)

It was already 7 o'clock and not a word was heard from Bill or Willa. I was really starting to worry. What is he killed her? What if he hurt her so bad that she died? Oh wait, that is the same as the first one. Ugh!! My brain won't work with me!

"Bro bro?" Mabel asks from behind me.

"Yeah?" I reply.

"You okay? You seem pretty shaken by Willa's disappearance..."

"No, Mabel, I'm not okay. I should've done something!"

"How? She was holding us back. Willa didn't want us to get close to Bill because he is evil! She was protecting us until the end."

"You make it sound like she is dead..."

"Sorry, Dip. Will an awkward sibling hug make it better?" she asks.


She hugs me and we both say, "Pat pat" at the same time. I smile, and she smiles back.

"We'll get her back, Bro bro. I know we will."

"Thanks Mabel. I needed that."

"I know you did. That's why I said it. I'm psychic!" She proclaims with satisfaction.

(Willa's POV)

I wake with a start. Bill still wasn't back yet, but another presence was in the cave.

"H-hello?" I ask.

Nothingness and silence answered me.

"Hello?" I ask again with more confidence.

Again silence. I was beginning to think I was going crazy like Bill. No. Someone was definitely there...

"Willa... is that you?" a voice finally responds.

"Yes... Will?!"

"What happened to you sister?" Will asks, stepping into the light.

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