Chapter 20: Missing Something...

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Oh, my Time Baby!!?? Where is Willa!?? I got up and flew around the area. Tad and Willa were no where to be seen. Jenna groaned and woke up.

"What happened? AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" she screamed as she started floating.

I guess being a human for a few years and then changing back is weird. Meh. But I can't think about that! I need to find Willa.

We searched for hours and my twin was no where to be seen... Where did you go!!? Kill and Will had to drag me from the forest and everyone went home, including Violetta or what ever her name is. We sat on the couch in silence, dreading to go to our rooms while our sister was missing. Finally Kill decided to grab some food from the kitchen.

"Guys... get in here."

Will and I rushed hoping to find Willa passed out on the floor, but no... it was Kill, crying while something was in his hand.

"What is that?" Will ventured to ask.

Kill held it out.

(Dipper's POV)

Mabel and I were in our bedroom. We saved the day... no. Willa saved the day and now she was no where to be found...

"Bro bro?" Mabel asked.


"We should go to sleep."

"Yeah," I said quietly before crawling under my blanket.

(Tamma's POV)

Well, that was trippy. I dropped my keys on my bedside and collapsed into the mound of blankets I have on my bed. I tried to forget what happened, but that blast of energy was enough to cause the big bang. My mind kept replaying that last bit over and over.

(Will's POV)

My tears were endless. I had Violetta... my brothers... my freedom... but Willa... she was gone. WHY!?! I mentally screamed as more tears pooled from my eyes.

(Bill's POV)

I tried to be angry at Willa, but I couldn't. Her smile... her kindness... her voice. I read the letter over for the hundredth time.

My Dearest Bill, Kill, and Will,

I am probably gone right now. We have defeated Tad Strange. You helped so much, I am sure of it. Please don't be mad at me. I realized something important over these past few days. You all have something here that I could never bring myself to tear you from. Will, be happy with Violetta, I believe in you! Bill, Ashley is madly in love with you, and you, her. Go for it! Kill, you have a place you can call home. You have a family who will listen when you are angry. Please, don't lose yourself to fighting. For your brothers' sanity, please. I am okay where ever I am, and I swear on my life that I will see you beautiful brothers again. Don't cry Will, I love you. Don't be mad Kill, I love you. Don't waste your time looking for me Bill, I love you. I miss you all terribly and I know it will be hard without you, but, promise me that you will not waste time for me. Enjoy your lives, enjoy Gravity Falls, your friends, your family. Don't lose yourselves, your wonderful selves that I love so dearly. I love you all so much and you all have a special place in my heart that no one could destroy no matter how hard they tried. Don't cry for me. I will see you soon. Trust me.

A tear splattered on my glove and I felt the warm salt water leak from my eye. I already broke her rule. Don't cry. Why!? We would have gone with you Willa! W-we... w-we would've... 'til the end. It was at this moment I remembered what Willa had mouthed to me before the blast. What I had been too confused to notice.

"I love you."

A/N WHOA! Guys! I am finished with this book!? This is wild! I started this like a year ago and now it is finally done! This is so weird. But it is also my first completed book on Wattpad so YAY! Thank you so much for the support you have given me and for reading this book with all of its typos and such. I love you all! And remember: Reality an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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