Chapter 7: Family Ties

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I drew the above picture, just do you know who the family is.  Oldest to youngest: Willa, Bill, Kill, Will.

"Will!" I try to stand, but I fall. Will catches me in his arms.

"W-what happened to you?" he asks.

"B-Bill... but I'm fine. What happened to your eye?"

"My new masters... they don't like me much."

"Oh Will, I'm so sorry..."

"But what happened to you?! Your eye and shoulder. What happened?"

"Like I said... Bill. Help me up, please."

"No. Stay down. Your hurt... here."

Will uses his magic and heals my shoulder and cleans up my eye.

"The eye doesn't come back... sorry."

"I figured. Will, I need to get back to the Pines! They will help us! Dipper and Mabel."

Will shrinks away and holds onto my hand.

"N-not them! Please!" he squeaks.

"No no! They are nice in this dimension they—"

"Well look who showed up! One more and we have the whole family!"

"B-Bill?!" Will and I exclaim together.

"Nope! It's Grandpa!! OF COURSE, IT'S ME YOU CRYBABIES!!!! Geez, and why are you here Will?"

"W-Willa called me... she was in trouble."

"Ah yes, sorry about that. But there is nothing to worry about now. You can skedaddle back to Reverse Falls and have fun being a punching bag!" he shouts, indignantly.

Will huddles closer to me, tears falling, and I move my arm so that I am giving him a hug.

"S-stop Bill... he doesn't like it there... do you?" I ask.

"N-no," he sniffs.

"Well I don't care. This is my universe. So, bye bye, unless, you know, you want motivation..."

"B-Bill?" I ask.

He tries to shoot a blast of magic at Will, but I cover him and bite my lip as it hits me square in the back.

(Will's POV)

I close my eyes tight, expecting the blow like I have so many times before. But it never came. My eye opens, and I see Willa, arms wrapped around me, fighting back tears.

"W-Willa!" I exclaim.

"Ugh, your constant 'courage' is making me sick. Just let people take the blows. Worry about yourself," Bill says.

Willa releases me and reassuringly squeezes my shoulder. She shakily stands and faces Bill.

"As the eldest, it is my job to make sure that all my siblings are okay. And it also means that I have to take a hit for them sometimes. So, no matter what you do, I will always love and care and fight for all three of you."

New tears sprung to my eyes as I watched my sister. She was always so patient with us. When Bill first started making us suffer, Willa was there to help heal me and tell me that everything was okay. Even when she was injured or severely wounded, she always put us first. Bill stared at her with a frustrated expression.

"Why don't you take this then?" he yells and launches an even more powerful attack at me.

Again, I try to block, but Willa takes the hit.

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