Chapter four

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Hello, haven't done this in a while, what you're about to read is the new and improved, "Thank You". I worked hard on this chapter, and though it is short, I would like to think it is good. I'm at my grandparent's house and I'm bored out of my mind, due to this, you get a new chapter, or at least a revised one. Enjoy!!

*Naruko's pov*

As I walked with the man to the Akatsuki hideout I realized I didn't know his name. I hesitated before opening my mouth to ask him. Just as the words were about to come out, I quickly shut my mouth. 'He doesn't want to talk, after all, who would, we've been walking for about two hours now, he's probably exhausted. I mean he had to walk all this way just to get me, great job Naruko, you couldn't have made it a little easier for him.' This was another reason that Naruto hated me because I was so shy. I was so shy, I hated having to hurt people, so I became a medical ninja. However, what Naruto doesn't know is I'm his older sister, mom died when she was giving birth to him, but I told him that lie so he wouldn't feel guilty. I was a year older than him, so whenever I walked with him in the village I was always given sympathetic looks. I missed my parents a lot but I had to get over, I had a lot of other problems. I wanted to hate Naruto, but I couldn't, mom and dad, wouldn't be proud if I did. But they're not gonna be proud now that I joined the Akatsuki, so fuck it, I hate him, with everything in me. He killed my parents and then dared to bully me, honestly, I can't believe I let him. I looked off to the side and started asking myself why they would want me. I'm nothing special. I mean I'm Naruto's sister, but that's all. However, even though I was his sister, I wasn't as strong, and could barely manage one jutsu without reaching my limit. Unlike him, while I did have amazing chakra reserves, I was never really good at it. I would cry and cry as my parents would console me. I wanted so bad to make my parents proud, but I only became a bigger disappointment. So, I decided to become a medical ninja, Naruto simply thinks that because I was smart I got moved up a year in the academy. However, even after becoming a medical ninja, I was horrible, sure, I could heal the smallest of injuries, but in the ninja world, there is no small injury. I was so bad that even Naruto picked on me.


"Wow you're weak, I can't believe that you're my sister. How did I get stuck with such a horrible sibling? Honestly, you should just leave the village, nobody wants you here anyway." He says slapping the 6-year-old girl in the face. "You're probably the reason our parents died, after all, I was first, and mom was attacked when you were being born, they should've killed you too."

I snap out of my flashback as we come to an opening that you would never be able to see if you weren't paying attention. We crawl into the small opening and eventually enter a much bigger room. "Alright, welcome to the Akatsuki." I nod before asking, "I never did get your name." I say following him to the maze of hallways. He stops for a second and looks back at me and states, "Deidara, un" I nod and almost run into his back as he stops in front of a big wooden door. "Alright here you are, good luck, you're gonna need it."

So, how was it? I hope you enjoyed and I'm probably working on the next chapter as we speak. I'm always looking to improve so be sure to comment constructive criticism, and as always, stay foxy!! 

-Your favorite Kitsune'

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