Chapter 6

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Naruko's POV

As I woke up from my "nap" I make a mental note to kick Itachi's ass, or at least tackle him. However, instead of seeing the boring grey walls of the base, I see a beautiful shrine and waterfall. My eyes squint as I see two figures in the distance. Forgetting about the people for a second, I look around, what was this place, and how did I get here? I start walking and stop as I get the waterfall and the river that follows it. I smile as I see the tropical fish swimming around. "Well, what do you think?"  My eyes widen as I hear that familiar voice. Tears well in my eyes as I run into my mom's open arms. "I missed you too but there's someone I would like for you to meet" I reluctantly let go and look up at the white-haired male who's smiling down at me. "Naruko, this is Akira Suzanaki, your father," without thinking I run and embrace him, knocking both me and him down. Tears stream down my face as I embrace the man who helped have me. "Dad," I feel as he embraces me tighter, as he hugs me like I would die if he didn't, as he lets go all of the emotions that we never got to experience together, as he mourns all the years he lost with me, and he does this all at the same time, just like I'm hugging the bad memories away, he's trying his best to form new ones, good ones, better ones. While still hugging me he picks me up in his arms while whispering kind words. I only cry harder as I feel my mother join the hug, as I feel the love radiating from the two. Slowly calming down, I release them. "How?" I ask confused. "How, what?" My mother states in confusion. "How are you here, I was told that the jutsu that... dad did would leave me his jutsus and his Keke Genkai, what is this place" Mom looks confused for a second before a look of understanding crosses her face. "Well, it's a long story," She says. "I've got time" Dad sighs before starting to talk, "I'll explain it. So what happened was, the jutsu that I used was a Suzanaki original. It was created by your great, great, great, great grandfather. Back then, the Suzanaki clan was very powerful so whenever a Suzanaki had a child they weren't allowed to raise them, so your grandfather created this jutsu, most of the time it was cast by the father during the birth of the child, much as I did. However, this jutsu takes the spirit of the caster and all their jutsu and transfers them to the child, while doing this you're giving up your life and your spirit will live in your child until they awake you. The reason it's so important to cast it while you are still in the womb is that it creates a bond with the mother as well, without killing her. Therefore, when she dies, her spirit and jutsus will also go to the child. The point is, we've been here the whole time, it was up to you to awaken, it just wasn't the right time, until now of course. Now that you've awakened this, it's time for you to get the Suzanaki Keke Genkai." I nod and watch as he walks up to me and touches our forehead together. "So unlike other Keke genkais, the Suzanaki one has nothing to do with our eyes, ours is a summoning, a phoenix to be exact. Now, you will definitely get it because I had it and all my jutsus went to you, but here's the thing with that, when our jutsus go to you, they advance as you grow, so look deep inside you, I understand that you had a hard life so far, so look for rebirth, close your eyes" I do as he says before he continues, "look for the new you, or rather who you want to be, look for a phoenix rising from the ashes, once a measly bird, now a great creature, search for your confidence, for all the times you wanted to speak up, your alter ego, your preferred self" I do as he says and flinch as I feel a heat surround me. "That's it, you are almost there, continue as you are, you're halfway there, now that you have the good part of you, embrace the bad, you are forming yourself as a phoenix, but even so, before they were a great bird they had to be killed, think of the sadness you felt, you can't have a sun without a moon, light without darkness, a rainbow without rain, think of your anger and sadness and tears as the fire, the fire that's making a great immortal bird, it's making the bird stronger and stronger, embrace it." Out of nowhere, flames engulf me, out of instinct I scream but stop as I realize it doesn't burn, I open my eyes and I'm face to face with a blue phoenix. The phoenix narrows its eyes at me as I stand my ground. 'think Naruko, it's obvious it's observing you, and judging you, how can you stand your ground without looking like a child pouting...sharingan! Wait, we don't know how to activate it' As you were having an eternal conflict, it was obvious the phoenix was growing impatient, 'think, think! Focus your chakra to your eyes.' Considering it was the only thing I could think of, I do it. A feeling of relief embraces me as everything turns red, confirming I successfully activated my sharingan. I watch as the phoenix looks surprised, or rather, ruffles it's feathers. I let out a sigh of relief as it visibly relaxes. I rejoice in my head as I realize it accepts me. "You have a long way to go child, but do not fret, I will train you, you have wounded. Both physically and mentally, we will work on you accepting and forgetting, you have been born again, we will get rid of your self-doubt, work on your confidence, and make you into a strong woman. And before you ask, you WILL get revenge." I smirk as I hear the last part. Just as I was about to ask the bird begins to talk "Sapphire, I'm a female" I nod and stumble as m surroundings begin to get blurry "It seems like it's time for you to wake up, don't worry, if you want to come back, just think of it, and you will come." My dad explains, "Goodbye~ don't worry, believe me, Sapphire will be there when you wake up, I look forward to your next visit." Mom says waving, that was the last thing I saw before losing consciousness.

Word Count: 1144

So how was it?? I hope you enjoyed it, I'm working on the next chapter now!! Peace!

-your favorite kitsune

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