Chapter 8

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Naruko's Pov

"ah Earth sweet Earth." We had finally made it back. "well don't go parading yet we still have to train for three more months with your parents." I look at her with a esperated look on my face before mumbling "Party pooper." she gives me a warning look I just stick my toungue out in responce. She gives me a sigh before saying. "Before we go to your parents we have to get closer in the earth right now where just intering the relm of earth." I nod and take out the bottle of water that I got from Aquarius. I examine the glass bottle with the glittery water inside. I look at the concotion curiuosly. "Curious I see? Don't worry your parents mainly your father will explain everything ." I look her surpirised. "Why my dad?" I ask a little lost, "Because he used Aquarius to your mother used scorpio" She looks down at me. "You look like your about to die, I suppose it's because we took no breaks and we trained till our last second even getting attacked on the way back, do you want to get a ride" I look up and give her a thankful smile before jumpimg on. Shortly after I fell asleep. "NARUKO GET YOUR ORANGE ASS LOOKING BEHIND UP!" I shoot up after hearing someone yell straight in my ear. "IM UP YOU GODDAMN JACKASS NOW YOU BETTER RUN BECAUSE YOU BOUT TO BE A DEAD MOTHERFUCKER I TELL YOU THAT!!!" I say getting up "Oh, is that so you want to repeat those words?" She says in a very sly voice. "GLADLY BITCH I SAID YOU NEED TO START FUCKING RUNNING YOU GODDAMN SLUT WHO THE HE-" I turned around slowly as I said each word and realized thats where Dianey was, but she wasn't alone.... She was with my PARENTS?? I clear my throat while I start thinking of excuses. "Go ahead and try, I wanna see what lie you gonna come up with" my mom says looking at me with a sly smirk. "Well, you see..." I start off. "ah huh" my dad says nodding his head sarcastically. "You see, what happened was, you see, I-I was you know... DREAMING, yeah dreaming of.......... BEATING UP SAKURA!! Yeah that's it and well..." I say my hands moving very dramatically around "Well...when I woke up I must have mistaken Dianey for Sakura. However I just want you to know I never cuss, that was probably my first time and I am highly disappointed in myself for that." I say seeing that was the first thing that came to my head. "But you were-" Dianey started to say until I hit the back of her head. "Yeah she's never cussed since I've met her." Dianey quickly corrects herself. "Wanna think of another excuse we'll give you some time." My father says in a sarcastic voice. "Well actually that would be great. I don't know how much time it'll take though. I know! I'll think it over with Aquarius!" You say about to dip your finger in the water only for it to be grabbed by mom. "Is that so. Well then you don't want to spend time with us?" She says trying to guilt trip you. However you weren't having it so simply turned it back on her even adding a few fake tears. "I'm sorry. I knew it. You don't like me because of how I am. Your ashamed of me. But that's ok I'll just leave, you won't have to see me again." Fake tears soon turned into real ones this is what had happened in the leaf village. Everyone turned there backs on you. The tears were now flowing. "Goodbye" you say turning around. Just as you were about to dip your finger into the water you feel your arm yanked back and your pulled into a hard chest. Your sniffles soon turn into sobs. You were a sobbing mess but you didn't care at the moment. You felt him rub your back and whisper sweet nothings in your ear. You soon feel another person enter the hug and you overhear Dianey say she'll be back at the end of my training. Your sobbing dies back down to a few sniffles. You feel someone grab your shoulder's and you look up. As you look up you see a tear filled eyed father. "Don't you ever say that again! I don't know what they told you in Konoha but we love you for you!" He says yelling at you however you could hear the disappointment in his voice. "And you don't have to change for anyone!" I nod as dad pulls me back into his chest. If this is what having a family is supposed to feel like then I never want to leave.


Naruto's POV

I was just summoned to the Hokage's tower. Today was going great!!!! Sakura kissed me on my cheek and my annoying ass twin was nowhere to be seen. Maybe if I'm lucky something bad will happen to her. As I walk into grandma Tsunade's room she looks up and clears her voice. "Naruto I have summoned you because we have great news. You know you problematic sister, well she's been found dead." I felt as if I just won the lottery.

Before Dei and Naruko left they made a permanent clone of her one she doesn't control and killed it.


And just when I thought this day couldn't get any better! She die's! HELL YEAH!!

Naruko's POV

*sneezes* "Daddy?" I say hesitation in my voice. He notices this and immediately gives me all his attention. "He..." I say tears welling up in my eyes. "Who, what's wrong." He asks, I could tell that his parenting reflexes were kicking in. "He, He, He..." I couldn't find the words to say what I wanted to. "He tried...he tried to..." I say tears now falling. Dad was now panicking and called mom in who quickly embraced me."He tried to... He tried to... HE TRIED TO-

(1016 Words)

Me: well then, am I evil or am I evil!😈
Me: yeah, yeah. Whatever. Anyway there won't be a Viktor's corner for the next few chapters I wrote these while I was offline and to be honest it's so troublesome.
Miku: your just lazy
Miku: calm down foxy, he's right here
Me: I'm so glad to see you! Don't do that again!
Kanato: I'm glad to see you too!
Miku: Don't know don't care!! Just deal with it
Me: hey that's MY mood! Go back to being happy, princess!
Miku: Whatever Kanato you're up.
Kanato: Kitsunè-chan doesn't own Naruto only the storyline, her love for me and all things evil.
Me, Miku, & Kanato: BYEEEEEE

-your favorite Kitsunè
P.S. At the moment in the story I'm not gonna worry about Sasuke in the next chapter of the book I'm gonna write his reaction to her death however after that you won't hear his name in a long time because for now all I'm gonna focus on is Naruko's point of view. So you can really put yourself in her shoes.
-mama fox

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