Chapter 5

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Naruko's POV

As I walked into the room I was met with two purple eyes. "Hello," I state cautiously taking my first step forward. "Why do you think you're here," He asks me while looking me up and down expectantly. "I'm afraid I was about to ask you the same thing," I say nervously. "You're not your parent's daughter." I look at him before bursting out laughing, some would call me crazy but I was either gonna die or be tortured so why the hell not. "I'm sorry, it's just that I really can't believe what you just told me," I say as my laugh dies down to a giggle. "You're your mother's daughter but not your fathers. Your father was named Akira Suzanaki, that was your mother's, true love. Kushina was an Uzumaki and the princess at that. However, due to her royal standing, she was forced to mary Minato and give up Akira. Later after Minato found out that she was sneaking out to see him, he attempted to kill him, however, your father managed to escape, just before you were born he visited your mother for the last time and performed a forbidden Jutsu, one that allowed his spirit to be sealed inside of you, so that you could do everything he could. Once you unlock this power inside yourself you won't have to train to learn the things that he knew because they will just come naturally. You will also inherit the Suzunaki keke genkai eventually as well." I stand the frozen as I listen to what he's telling me. "Also your related to the" he cuts himself off before saying, "Nevermind, I think you've taken in enough information for one day." He says about getting up before I stop him. "No, continue" I say looking him dead in the eye. "Are you sure, this could change your life a lot" I look at him for a seconds before firmly nodding. "Well, you may have dated your cousin." I look at him confused before speaking up, "Who?" I ask genuinely confused. "Um, Konan, get Itachi" The blue-haired girl swiftly leaves the room before returning with the long-haired Uchiha. When Itachi enters a look of relief crosses her face before he gets up and starts to leave. "You explain, I don't want to be here when she awakens both of them." Itachi nods before sitting in one of the two chairs, before gesturing for me to sit in the other. "Ok, to put it bluntly, you're an Uchiha, or you have Uchiha genes." I look at him with a dumbfounded look before he sighs and continues. "Though your father was a Suzanaki, he had Uchiha in him, his mother was an Uchiha and his father was a Suzanaki. He had the Sharingan, and I'm sure you will awake it soon as well." He says sighing. "If the village knew all this why hide it, it's my origin, I deserved to know it, Minato isn't my father, did Sasuke know? Hell, I dated my cousin, that's fucking sick. I lived my whole damn life dealing with my "brother" only to find out he's not even my full brother, I ran away from my village, and apparently I have two keke genkais and haven't awakened a single damn one, how does that even fucking work? I had a strong clan, but yet here I am, I can barely cast a damn jutsu, this is so fuck-" I cut myself off as I reach up to rub my eyes, looking at my hand I notice blood. I immediately start rubbing my eyes frantically, this has happened multiple times before. Feeling two strong but gentle hands take my hands and carefully wipe away the blood. I look up at Itachi and watch as his eyes convert into surprise. "Naruko, I need you to be honest, have your eyes ever bleed after getting really emotional." I look at him before replying, "Yeah a few times, once when I was younger and Naruto was beating me up, after he left my eyes were bleeding, it happened again when I accidentally hurt someone while trying to heal them, and finally when I caught Sasuke and Sakura, but hell, I wouldn't have cared if I knew he was my cousin." I say in a bitter tone. "I see, so that explains why you have mangekyou sharingan, it's because you already awakened your three prongs and the only thing you could awaken was mangekyou." He says mumbling. I just stare at him, "Why are you concerned" I ask without thinking, it wasn't what I wanted to say, but it would work. "Let me tell you a story, I'm sure you know that I slaughtered my, well our clan." He says pausing to look at me as I nod. "Well, I didn't want to, they were planning to try and take over the village, so to protect the village, under the orders of Danzo, I could kill the clan and leave one survivor, and that was, of course, my brother, however it was also you, what Danzo didn't know was that minato wasn't your real father and that an uchiha was. I didn't want to kill them but I didn't have a choice. So what I guess I'm trying to say is that family is still family, and you're my little cousin and at the moment the only family I have left that doesn't hate me, so, I guess its only right for me to take care of you, and teach you so you can teach the next generation of Uchiha, after all, we cant have them ending up just like sasuke, that would be a nightmare." He says chuckling "Yeah, they would just end up walking around flirting and being arrogant." I say visibly cringing at the thought. "However, just remember, sharingan isn't your only keke genkai." He says slumping back in his chair. "I know, but how can I awaken it," I ask running a hand through my hair. "I think I have an idea," He says sitting up. "What?" I ask perking up. He gives the famous uchiha smirk before stating two words. "I'm sorry" I look at him confused but before I could say anything he knocks me out. 'Well damn, I just got here and I already got knocked the fuck out.' I think bitterly before drifting from consciousness.

word count: 1067

Okay I understand at this point the chapters don't align but believe me I'm working on it, please just be patient with me, thanks!~ I hope this is a lot better than the last chapter, meaning the last story line. I'm really trying because this was honestly one of my favorite books out of all I've written. So please give it time.

-your favorite kitsune 

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