Chapter 9

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"HE TRIED TO RAPE ME! I was so weak and I couldn't defend myself. I'm still to weak. He's gonna try again!" I yell out. "WHO?" father calls out. "N-Naruto." He gets up and puts his hands on my shoulders. "Listen we can go to the real world but we didn't want anyway arising questions, HOWEVER! I WILL MAKE A EXCEPTION!!!" He grabs my and mom's and teleports us to what looked like the gate of the Konoha village. The guards start freaking out at my mom and father and a little bit at me. My father was stomping through the village looking for Naruto and mom was following calmly behind, a little too calm. "WAIT DAD YOU CAN'T JUST DO THIS!" I say trying to reason with him, not to save Naruto, I was gonna lead him to Naruto either way. He was gonna get an ass kicking before we left here that was for sure!! You just didn't like all the unwanted attention. "DAD STOOPPPP!" I yell running after him. I grab him by his biceps in attempt to stop him only to start being dragged. I eventually give up and run all the way back and then run forward and jump on his back. He tumbles forward a little bit before regaining his balance. "Woah there, Naruko!" He say's chuckling. Mom giggles a bit and he continues to walk forward mom catches up and rubs you back walking beside dad. "Well well someone bought you back from being dead. I'm sure they're regretting that now." You knew that cocky, evil voice anywhere. I tug on dad's shirt collar motioning to turn around. I'm met with that sly smirk I hated with a passion. "Oh, and who are these people, someone you controlled by looking them in the eye?" He says his smirk widening. "Uh huh, says the one who's so desperate to get laid you can't tell she's using you." I say raising your eyebrows mockingly. "You wanna come say that to my face." He asks thinking you wouldn't dare talk back after that or actually do it. But you had changed, and gained self respect. "No thanks I'd prefer not to be killed with your deadly breath." He come up to you and slaps you. 3,2,1..."WHO THE HELL YOU THINK YOU ARE YOU WANNA GO?!? CAUSE I CAN DO THIS ANYTIME ANY DAY BITCH WHAT YOU WANNA DO!" You hear a person clear you throat behind you. You mutter an I'm sorry before lowering your head. "Naruko who is this?" You immediately snap you head up smirk present. "That's him, daddy. That's Naruto." Dad lowers his head his bangs covering his eyes. Your eyes widen as you see Naruto struggling against the tree with your fathers hands choking him. Just as you thought it was all just gonna be you father you hear your mother say, 'give him hell' You watch as dad throws Naruto onto the ground and starts kicking, after a LOT of more very very BRUTAL punishments he was finally finished and started embracing me and mom in a lovely hug. He teleports us all home and tells me we will start training tomorrow so I could beat the mess out of him. This was gonna be a long three months.

-time skip cause I'm lazy-

"Naruko try and hit me." I swerve to the left and try to hit daddy. At the last moment I drift right and hit him from that side sending him flying. "SORRY, I hit a little too hard." I say rushing over to him. He shakily stands up passing me a smile "I-I'm ok, y-you did I-it" he get's out before passing out. I start to panic before I hear mom say, "He'll be okay. About you since it's just us any boyfriends at the time." I think for a second deciding that it's the perfect time to get everything off my chest. "Well to be honest, it first started with this guy named Sasuke who cheated on me with Sakura then I came with Dei and we started fake dating which turned into real dating and yeah." I say getting it all out. "So Sakura cheated with your ex so that's why you hate her." You nod. "No she did more than cheated. She always bullied me and would always come over to hang out with Naruto and would mess up all my stuff while Naruto helped her. That's why I need to get stronger I want to beat both of them!" She nods before getting up dusting her dress off and straightening her hair out. "Well then when you fight them you want to do it in style, right?" I quickly nod. "Of course I do. I want to do it looking like a model but fighting like hard!" I say confidently. "Good." She shoves light pink cocktail dress and black high heels in my hand. "That's the kind of stuff you'll fight in." She says looking me in my eyes. "HOW? These are heels! And not ninja heels, regular party heels." I scream. "I'm gonna teach you how to fight in heels. And do it great."

-time skip- (END OF TRAINING)

"Home sweet home, finally." I say walking up to the Atkatsuki base. As you open up the base you hear yelling. It was early in the morning so the lower-class wasn't up yet. However the upperclassmen were. I decide to surprise them so I walk to the room where they all were. "It's way to early to be fussing don't you think. You should stop arguing about who's better because we all know it's me!" You say walking into the room heels clicking and clacking loudly against the marble floor. "Naruko?" Dei asks skeptically. "In the flesh. The one and only Naruko Suzinaki!" You say curtsying in your pink dress. Dei rushes over and hugs you soon after the rest joined. "As much as I want to catch up on everything and everyone, I want to hurt Sakura and Naruto more so can we start training today?" Pein quickly nods

-time skip-

I was fighting Pein for the final time before getting ready to go back to Konoha. "FLYING GOD STAR SHOWER!" Rocks of chakra fall from the sky and fall on Pein. Luckily that jutsu didn't use your chakra because it was a god jutsu so all the chakra was infused into the attack from the air around it. The air replaced the chakra in that attack!! "M-mighty" Pein starts to say but I cut him off. "Oh great,mighty zodiacs I call opon thee, Please lend me your power thy comes in thee peace. Please allow me to call opon the water barrier. I wish to call opon Aquarius. To defeat enemies of thy in the name of thee." I start glowing water comes from behind that forms wings. I motion my hand towards Pein and the water obeys and surrounds Pein knocking him out before retreating and disappearing. "Done." I say I got a few bruises but nothing major. It was clear that I was on a completely different level than him. "I'm gonna go to Konoha now, I will be back in a week." Well this is gonna get interesting.

Me: Done. There won't be an exit today because I'm lazy so it's just me. But yeah so next chapter is gonna have so DRAMA! But yeah!!!

-you're favorite kitsunè

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