Chapter 9

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"Aya-chan!!" The green-haired boy stopped in front of her, sweating and panting like he had run a marathon. They had decided to meet in front of the U.A. gates just before the practical portion of the entrance exam.

Ayano stopped her tinkering to look at him with a single raised brow. He was bent over, hands on his knees and head facing down. "You do know that this is the practical portion of the exam and not the written portion, right?" She asked, criticizing his use of energy before the exam even started.

"I...I was afraid...I would be...late!" He explained between breaths. She simply shook her head at him. After calming down, they started walking towards the entrance of the school. Ayano fiddled with some things on her belt, causing Midoriya to finally take a good look at her.

She was wearing their school's uniform, but he noticed that she replaced the skirt with pants. Ayano was fiddling with her utility belt. Midoriya's eyes widened at the array of materials attached to it. He recognized nearly none of the inventions hooked onto it.

They hadn't seen much of each other before the U.A. entrance exam. Midoriya taking to his own training with All Might and Ayano taking to her own preparations. He wondered what she had done the past ten months, but a simple glance at her belt told him she worked hard and prepared well.

"You sure brought a lot of your inventions, Aya-chan!" He eyed them, amazed at the variety of them. From what he could see, there was a slightly flattened, white sphere, compartments filled with what seemed to be different colored pills, and a type of rope.

"They told us we could bring whatever we wanted. As someone applying for the Support Course, it is only logical that I bring what I made myself." She explained. Midoriya was about to ask what they did when he heard a distinct, angry voice.

"Move aside, Deku!! Get out of my way or you're dead." The green-haired boy flinched and held his hands up in defense while greeting him. The blond simply ignored him, brushing past the two childhood friends.

Midoriya and Ayano just blinked at each other, then looked at Bakugou. He had his normal scowl on his face, coupled with his palms emitting some explosions. Ayano's eyes widened at the object he held.

It was her gift.

Except this time, it was opened much wider and the flame looked much brighter.

Ayano gently smiled. It seemed like Bakugou was working hard the past ten months as well.

After a small encounter with a girl who seemed to have a gravity defying quirk, the two friends entered the hall. Ayano was seated between Bakugou and Midoriya, able to pacify any antagonistic actions the blonde may initiate.

Midoriya's fanboy mutterings were stopped when a boy with glasses supposedly pointed out a mistake on the handout. "Such a blatant error, if it is one, is highly unbecoming for U.A., Japan's top academy!! We're all here today in the hopes of being molded into model heroes!!"

Ayano scoffed and muttered, "Not all of us."

Another boy jumped in. He had black hair as dark as night. His hair and bangs were parted perfectly to the side, almost giving himself and 'preppy boy' look. His eyes, however, screamed anything but that. They had a serious slant to them, relaying his ferocity. "Yeah, and I was informed that people applying for the Support Course are taking a different exam! The exam should be fundamentally different given how different the Hero and Support Courses are. I came here thinking that U.A. was taking their other departments seriously but I guess you're all still concerned only about your precious heroes!!"

Ayano looked at him in slight annoyance. Perhaps if these boys didn't jump to conclusions before Present Mic finished, their questions might be answered. Although, she had to admit that she was slightly miffed. After the support department she was interested in had switched allegiances, she too was under the impression that U.A. was trying to strengthen their other courses. Was all of it just a ruse?

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