After the conclusion of the Sports Festival, U.A. students were asked to choose an agency they wished to intern at for a week. Of course, this opportunity was extended to all of the students.
Busy with her own internship, Ayano hadn't seen Midoriya for the entire week. Needless to say, she was incredibly worried when he sent that blank text, displaying only his location. Her concern only grew that day when she couldn't get in contact with him, and even more so when news of the League of Villains and the Hero Killer in Hosu reached her ears.
After a much-needed phone call that Ayano felt was long overdue, her fears were assuaged but her anger at his recklessness wasn't. She was currently on her way to his classroom, the first day back after the internships.
As she neared the classroom, she heard raucous laughter. "BWA HA HA HA!!! REALLY!? REALLY, BAKUGOU?!!" She was still angry, but now she was mildly interested in what was happening.
Ayano slid the door open to reveal a hysterical Kirishima and Sero laughing at an odd-looking Bakugou.
His hair was parted in a perfect 2:8 ratio, giving him the perfect prep boy look. Ayano quickly covered her mouth with her hand, but the boys still heard the suppressed chuckle. Kirishima and Sero only laughed harder. "EVEN SASAKI IS LAUGHING!! YOU REALLY LOOK RIDICULOUS, BAKUGOU!!!"
Through the power of his anger, Bakugou's hair promptly sprung back up as he lunged towards the duo to strangle them. Ayano still covered her mouth with her hand, but one could see how much she was laughing by the shaking of her shoulders.
That type of hairstyle was absolutely ridiculous on someone like Bakugou. It fit people like the rule-abiding Iida much more. Although she initially laughed at the uncharacteristic hairstyle, she soon became strangely annoyed.
It was the same hairstyle as that of Fujiyoshi Yuudai.
Ayano chuckled again. Well, they both did have quite unlikeable personalities.
Her small smile soon disappeared when her eyes met Midoriya's. The boy began nervously sweating at her piercing gaze, knowing exactly why she had returned to her normally impassive face.
She briskly walked up to him, abruptly stopping and raising her hand. Midoriya flinched and closed his eyes tight, fearing the worst. He yelped when her hand came in contact with the top of his head.
There was no pain though. The yelp was mostly out of surprise. Ayano had simply just bopped his head with her hand in a chopping motion. It was no different than if she had just poked him in the same spot.
Midoriya looked up at her in confusion and some slight fear, uncertain of her actions. She sighed. "I cannot believe you would do something so reckless." She sighed again with much more annoyance. "I rescind that comment because that was a lie. I do believe you would do something so reckless. I am just incredibly upset with you."
The green-haired boy laughed sheepishly. "Sorry Aya-chan, but I ju—" "Yes, I am aware of the circumstances. Given those circumstances, you presumably had no choice. That still does not make me any less angry." Midoriya laughed awkwardly again.
"Not that it matters. The moment has passed, and nothing I say can change anything." She gave one final sigh, as if relenting. "...I am just happy that you are safe now." Midoriya gave her a bright smile.
Ayano turned her attention towards Todoroki who was watching the interaction silently from his desk. "While we are still on the topic...Todoroki-san, you were also there, no?" He nodded.
"I heard you interned at your father's agency. Can I take that to mean that you have embraced your flames?" The dual-haired boy nodded once more. Suddenly, even though her face hadn't changed from its neutral state, he saw a sparkle in her eye.

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FanfictionIn a world where eighty percent of the population possesses an abnormality called a Quirk, the superhero occupation becomes a reality. The spotlight and main role is heavily sought out, but one girl prefers to play the supporting role instead. Rejec...