Chapter 59

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Ayano and Melissa Shield were coming back from one of the many training grounds. In Ayano's arms were the tattered remains of her most recent support item, leaving her with a very frustrated aura. Melissa walked by her side, giggling to herself at how Ayano only ever showed this much emotion usually when something went wrong with her inventions. "You know, the idea behind it was exceptional! It was pretty good until we got to stage four!" Melissa commented.

"Yes, but 'pretty good' is not good enough..." Ayano mumbled as she tinkered with the broken support item, not even looking up to see where she was walking. Melissa smiled at the girl, admiring her work ethic.

After Ayano had gotten an internship with Melissa's father, David Shield, the two had gotten to know each other quite well. Despite how different their personalities were, they were very similar. Both quirkless with the immense desire to still be heroes in their own right through the creation of support items, and even having the same roots: their admiration of All Might. They had developed a friendly rivalry with each other, much like the one Ayano had with Hatsume Mei. Although, perhaps not quite as eccentric.

Currently, the two were on their way to Ayano's personal laboratory. Normally, only third-year students at I-Island Academy were permitted the use of a personal laboratory, but Ayano was made the exception because she was only a student studying abroad for one year. As they reached the hallway where her lab was located, they saw a lively girl and a lanky boy already standing in front of the door.

Ayano had been paired with two of her classmates for a group project. Instead of the communal laboratory, they had agreed to meet up at Ayano's personal one instead because she was the only one of the second-years to have one due to her circumstances.

When her classmates had noticed Ayano and Melissa, the girl immediately dashed towards them with open arms. "A-YA-NOOOO!!!" She shouted as she swung her arms together to encase Ayano in them. Except, the girl had simply stepped to the side and around her to continue towards her lab.

"Oh, come on! It wouldn't kill you to let me hug you, would it?!?" The girl grumbled. Ayano continued to the door, giving a nod of acknowledgement to the boy who remained there. "No, Sophia, but I would much rather get started on the project." The brown-haired girl stated as she turned the key to unlock the door.

"Jeez, you and Raymond are such sticks in the mud!" The red-head complained. "How did I get roped into this? I didn't even do anything." Raymond finally spoke, raising an eyebrow in annoyance at the slight insult. The girl just pushed past him, walking into Ayano's lab first. He just shook his head, following after her.

As they looked around, seeing Ayano's laboratory for the first time, their eyes widened. Melissa chuckled at their reactions, having already been here multiple times before. Although the place was relatively clean, there were piles and piles of inventions scattered around the room. There was just enough space on the floor to have a narrow pathway for access to the desks and shelfs.

"Christ! This looks like some kind of warzone! You've been here, what, a month now? How do you have time for all this between school and your internship with Mr. Shield!? You'd have to live in this lab!" Sophia exclaimed as Ayano went to work, clearing the desks so that they would have room to work.

Melissa hummed in thought, her finger coming to her chin. "Now that you mention it, I don't think I've ever seen Ayano's dorm. I've only ever seen her here or at Papa's lab, and I see her quite a lot..."

Raymond turned to the aforementioned girl. "You don't sleep here, do you?" He asked, his voice full of worry laced with a bit of disgust.

"Bold of you to assume that I sleep." Ayano joked, although her face and voice maintained their normal impassiveness.

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