Chapter 60

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Eight Months After Ayano Left

Bakugou was doing some small workouts in his room when he heard a knock on his door. Kirishima poked his head in, a large grin on his face. "Bakugou! Your parents came here to see you!" Bakugou almost clicked his tongue in annoyance before Kirishima continued. "Ayano's parents are here too!"

The ash blond blanched at that. Ayano's parents? Why would they be here? Had something happened to her?! Kirishima didn't make it sound urgent, so it shouldn't have been anything serious, right? But what if it was? Her father was also the stoic type, so maybe they just hadn't let on that something was wrong. But if something was, surely her mother wouldn't be able to keep her emotions in check, right?

Quickly coming back to his senses and using a towel to wipe off his sweat, Bakugou walked out with Kirishima, albeit a little rigidly. Reaching the lounge, he saw his parents conversing with Ayano's and some of his classmates were even joining in. He almost sighed in relief, seeing that the air was jovial and this was simply just a visit. Nothing more.

"What the hell are you doing here, you old hag?" Now that he was sure nothing happened to Ayano, he returned to his usual disagreeable self.

When she heard her son's disrespectful question, a couple of veins appeared on Mitsuki's head. She instantly got up from her seat to smack him upside the head. "Don't call me an old hag!!! Learn to treat your mother with more respect, you little brat!!!"

"I call it like I see it, you cow!!!" His remark earned him another smack. His classmates laughed sheepishly, definitely seeing the resemblance in the family.

Ayano's mother, Sasaki Asuka, giggled into her hand. "I'm glad to see that Little Katsuki is still the same after all this time!" Bakugou clicked his tongue at the nickname, always having disliked it. He turned to glare behind him, hearing a couple of chortles.

"Pfft! Haha, she called you 'Little Katsuki!' Seriously!?" Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero were trying their hardest not to burst out laughing but to no avail. It was just like that time when Bakugou came back with that ridiculous hairstyle from Best Jeanist. He lunged at the trio, hoping to shut them up by force. Asuka giggled once more, glad to see that the boy had made some wonderful friends.

Midoriya walked up to the pair of parents with slight concern on his face. "It's so good to see you again Asuka-san, but what's the reason for your visit? Nothing happened to Aya-chan, right?" He grimaced, remembering the last time Ayano's parents visited right after the villain attack on the Summer training camp.

Bakugou paused in beating up Kaminari, the boy dangling from his collar which was in the other blond's firm grip. He turned to glare at Midoriya. That should've been his line!

Asuka quickly shook her head and hands. "No, no! Nothing happened to Ayano, thankfully! Kaito and I were finally given permission to go visit her, and we thought you all might like to hear some updates about her." She gently smiled, assuaging both Midoriya's and Bakugou's fears.

"...Is she...How is...Does she..." Bakugou fumbled. There were so many things he wanted to ask, but didn't know where to start. Eight months and he was already a mess when it came to Ayano.

Mitsuki raised an eyebrow, smirking. "Since when did you become such a wimp, huh?" "SHUT UP!!!"

Asuka giggled again, turning to her husband. "My, my! Our little girl certainly has him wrapped around her finger, doesn't she Kaito?" The stoic man nodded almost unnoticeably, silently sipping his tea.

Bakugou flinched, looking away with a scowl in embarrassment. "Forget it! I'm going back to my room!" He turned away, giving them full view of his red ears.

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