Chapter 55

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The couple walked hand in hand towards the shopping plaza, a comfortable silence falling upon them. Despite their previous fight revolving around miscommunication, there seemed to be no reason for them to speak now.

The not-so-subtle sidelong glances at each other. The firm squeezes of their intertwined hands each time they stopped at a crosswalk. The way that they both seemed to walk closer and closer together.

All of these silent gestures were more than good enough communication for the both of them.

Upon reaching the shopping plaza, the two stopped to look at each other. "I believe I have a substantial understanding of our classmates' personalities. I'm going to assume that they planned something for us regardless of whether or not you objected?" Ayano asked.

Bakugou mumbled some obscenities as he dug into his back pockets, confirming her suspicions. The boy had a rather irritating one-sided conversation with their classmates who believed they had the right to barge in on their date plans. It was mostly just Bakugou trying to shove them out of his room and their classmates refusing to relent, lecturing him about what constitutes a 'good date.'

The couple looked down at the pair of movie tickets, Bakugou with disgust and Ayano with her usual apathy tinged with a bit of confusion.

The tickets were for an obnoxious and over-the-top romantic film that was currently very popular among teen girls. That is, teen girls that aren't like Ayano.

The young inventor tilted her head, blinking a few times before speaking. " appears that our classmates do not have a substantial understanding of our personalities. That, or they have completely disregarded our tastes. Unfortunately, I have no interest in watching this film but I am willing to if you want to."

"Fuck, no." Was Bakugou's immediate response. He knew that she wouldn't be interested in such garbage anyways, but he was no less relieved that they wouldn't have to sit through two hours of some froufrou movie. "What the hell were they thinking?" He grumbled.

"I suppose they thought this would be an appropriate movie for a date. It appears that this theater has couples' seating, as these tickets are for such seats." Ayano surmised, pointing to the print on the tickets. "Although, it would be a shame to ignore their good intentions. Perhaps we can go to the theater and request an exchange for tickets to another movie."

Bakugou nodded in approval, beginning to walk the short distance towards the movie theater. Upon reaching the ticket booth, Ayano decided to do the talking for obvious reasons. The ash blond stayed silent beside her until he heard whispers from a group of boys nearby.

"Hey, is that who I think it is?"

"Woah! No way! That's him, right?"

"It's got to be!"

The topic of their whispered conversation grumbled. After this long, people still ogled him because of his performance at the Sports Festival. His attitude at the closing ceremony still lives on in infamy.

"Yeah! It's the kid from the sludge incident!"

Bakugou instantly turned his head to the group of boys, giving them a glare even worse than the one he gave All Might at the Sports Festival. People whispering about him because of the Sports Festival was one thing, but bringing up the sludge incident was even more angering.

He was about to give them a piece of his mind when he felt a squeeze on the hand still holding Ayano's. She gave him a look from the corner of her eye and then quickly returned to negotiating with the man stationed at the ticket booth.

The blond released an aggravated sigh. Those boys were lucky that he wasn't alone, otherwise they would have been pummeled into the ground already.

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