Chapter 25

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After her fight, Ayano took her aisle seat at the back again. She carefully analyzed each and every fight, although she was eagerly awaiting Bakugou's. Throughout his entire fight, she held a gentle smile.

She not only admired Uraraka's strength, but she was happy to see Bakugou's change. He never underestimated his opponent, not even for a second – something that, in the past, would surely not be the case.

His ambition was real and it was roaring, causing the excitement to course through Ayano. Particularly at his release of a large explosion, repelling all of the debris that Uraraka had used against him.

Ayano gave a small, breathy laugh. She felt goosebumps rise on her skin, the shivers running down her body. Her lips tilted up and her grin looked eerily similar to Bakugou's when he accepted a challenge and was ready to get serious. "That hide something like this from me!"

She had her suspicions about his capabilities, but she had yet to actually see his maximum output. Ayano was shaking, not with fear but with awe and exhilaration. She made a mental note to make sure to give the blond a beating for never mentioning this explosive power to her.

The fight between Midoriya and Todoroki did little to quell her excitement. While on that high, Ayano quickly won against her next opponent, Shiozaki. Although she had wanted to observe the 1-B student, Ayano deduced that it would be too risky. Binding types like her were particularly tricky to deal with and those fights tended to end quickly, as seen from the match between Shiozaki and Kaminari.

Soon enough, the second round of matches was over and the tournament reached the final four with Todoroki, Ayano, Tokoyami, and Bakugou.

Ayano faced Todoroki with her normally impassive face but for some reason, he felt as though she were glaring at him.

"It's time for the first match of the third round! Sasaki Ayano versus Todoroki Shoto!!! I think a lot of us were expecting it to be a Class 1-A show, but Sasaki has exceeded our expectations! The last one standing for not only the Support Course but for all the girls out there! Girl power!!!"

"Todoroki Shoto..." Ayano addressed him with an even voice but again, he felt uneasy about her. "I've run thousands of simulations already, and in almost every one of them, I lose. There is less than a one percent chance where I advance to the next round. In fact, it is far less than one percent."

"You are superior in nearly every single way. Your quirk, your physique, your fighting experience, and so on. It would be nothing short of a miracle if I were to win here, but I do not believe in miracles." Todoroki furrowed his brows, unsure of where she was going with this.

Midnight looked at her with confusion as well. "Sasaki, am I to take this as a forfeiture?" The girl responded without looking at Midnight. "Do not misunderstand. Although I am almost certain of my loss, that does not mean I will not benefit from this fight. Support companies are still watching, and I intend to give them a show. Besides..."

She turned her head to the stands, glancing up at the section designated for Class 1-A. Bakugou and Midoriya flinched under her gaze, neither one completely sure of who she was looking at. "If I were to forfeit, it would be an immense amount of disrespect to someone important to me."

The girl turned her head back to face Todoroki and it was now his turn to flinch, anxiety fluttering within him. "I also have some business with you." She stated.


Ayano wasted no time in lunging at her opponent, catching him slightly by surprise. Todoroki quickly created a wall of ice, but Ayano was already within a foot of him. She used her air soles to push her off the ground, easily swinging around the pillar of ice to kick him in the left side.

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