Chapter 52

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"Katsuki." Ayano called after him just as he was about to leave the dorm. The ash blond didn't turn around, only turning his head just enough so that he could see her in his peripherals.

The young inventor observed him. Clearly, he was irritated. As she looked down, she noticed that he was carrying his costume suitcase. "Ah...You're going to your remedial license training course." She realized.

Bakugou clicked his tongue, turning his head back around and continuing through the lounge to the front door. "What's it matter to you? It doesn't change anything for you right? Whether or not I tell you that I'm going to my training doesn't change your daily routine at all right? It doesn't affect you."

Ayano's eye twitched and a small vein popped up on her temple in anger. Oh, so he was planning on being petty today. Well, two can play at that game.

She really shouldn't have, but her judgment was clouded at that moment. "...You're right. I suppose it shouldn't matter to me. Have a nice day." Ayano mechanically spoke as she turned around to walk back to her room.

She didn't see it, but Bakugou's shoulders tensed. He had hoped that she might confront him. When she didn't, an unexpectedly deep sense of disappointment filled him, but it was soon overshadowed by his own anger.

The couple stomped away in opposite directions, not even close to looking back.

Their unsuspecting classmates had been relaxing in the lounge during the whole ordeal. Not a single one of them dared to make a sound with this tense air.

When Bakugou had left the dorm, Midoriya dashed after Ayano. Even after catching up to her, he had to speed-walk because of her fast pace. "Aya-chan! D-Did you and Kacchan have a fight?"

The girl glanced at him but didn't stop. "We had a disagreement." That was all she told him before getting in the elevator.

Midoriya could do nothing but watch as the elevator doors closed. He looked back at the front door where Bakugou had left, and then back to the elevator. Sighing, he hoped that everything would work out for his childhood friends.




Returning from his remedial license training course, Bakugou reflexively went towards Ayano's room. He jolted in place, stopping himself from continuing.

The boy had always gone to her room after his training course. She would ask how it went, or he would just come in angrily to rant about it. Afterwards, he would watch her as she worked at her desk, or he would take a nap on her bed. It had become a habit. A part of his routine.

Given the previous events, however, he stopped himself from visiting her. He was still somewhat angry at her, but he already missed their relaxing interludes.

Did she feel the same way?

Bakugou rubbed at his head in frustration. He wouldn't give in. He wasn't in the wrong here, so there was no way he would apologize first. Having resolved himself, he walked to his own room.

There, in front of his door, was a suitcase. One very similar to the costume suitcase he was holding. Of course, only one person would leave this in front of his room.

Bakugou felt another pang of disappointment when he realized that there was no note stuck to the handle like the last time.

Picking up the suitcase, he walked into his room and slammed the door shut. Flopping onto his bed, he lifted up the suitcase. Turning here and there to examine it, he saw nothing but the metal outer casing. No note hidden away somewhere.

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