Chapter 21

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With the villain attack at USJ, the entire school was given the next day off to recuperate. Given this opportunity, Sasaki Asuka and Bakugou Mitsuki wasted no time in checking in on the other. This time, the dinner get-together was being held in the Sasaki household.

"Uwaahh!! Hearing about the villain invasion on the news really gave me a scare! Ayano isn't in the hero course, but still! I'm glad Little Katsuki was unharmed in the incident." Asuka exclaimed. The aforementioned boy clicked his tongue at being called 'Little Katsuki.'

Mitsuki just laughed, brushing it off. "Pfft. If Katsuki was dumb enough to get hurt by those chumps, then he deserves it." She smacked the back of her son's head. "Piss off, you old hag!!!" "Don't talk to your mother like that!!" Asuka giggled. "I'm glad he's well enough to be so energetic. Come in! Come in! I prepared some of your favorites tonight!"

Once again, Katsuki and Ayano were seated across from each other, both quite detached from their parents' conversation. Ayano was eating her dinner in silence as usual, paying no mind to the things going on around her and barely registering the taste of her food. Her mind was focused on her inventions, knowing that Junk Master would have a new assignment for them soon.

Katsuki was distracted as well, being reminded of that time when the alarm sounded in U.A. during lunchtime. His eyes travelled to Ayano's chopsticks as they were raised to her lips, following their movements as she chewed her food.

He buried his mouth into the palm of his hand, stabbing his food and moving it about. He began mumbling obscenities, feeling his cheeks become slightly hotter. "Katsuki!! Stop mumbling and playing with your food!! Don't waste Asuka's efforts!!!" In response, he took a large portion of food and gave it an angry chomp.

After dinner, the parents continued to have their own separate conversations while the teens were left alone. Without giving him any warning, Ayano pulled on the back of Katsuki's collar. She began half-choking him and half-dragging him towards her room. "Hey! Get off me!"

When she finally let go, he realized that they were now in her bedroom. His eyes darted here and there. He hadn't been in her room since they were young, but it hadn't changed very much. If it weren't for all of the machines and tools lying about, her room would've been very empty – her bed and her desk being the only things left in it.

He thought that it was very much like her.

One invention, in particular, caught his eye. It was his confiscated grenade bracer. He walked up to it, examining it for any differences. The outside looked no different.

Ayano remained silent, having brought him to her room for this purpose. The blond slipped the bracer on, enjoying the familiar warmth and fit of it. Although the outside looked no different, the inside felt slightly off. He opened and closed his fist, stretching out the fabric and trying to decipher the difference.

"Ten minutes." He turned towards her, seeing her holding up all ten of her fingers. "It will only take ten minutes for the bracer to fill with your sweat. That is, of course, if you are moving and sweating as much as I think you will in battle."

"Previously, it took approximately fifteen minutes for the bracers to be ready. Five minutes may not seem like a lot, but it could mean the difference between a victory and a defeat." Katsuki smirked, liking the sound of this.

"I interwove more absorbent fabric into the gloves in order to decrease the wait time. It is also for more comfort, as sorbothane is quite stiff in its raw form. This allows your hands and fingers to have more range of movement without having to sacrifice any explosive power." Katsuki unleashed a flurry of explosions from his hand, as if to make sure she was telling the truth. Although, he didn't doubt her for even a second.

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