Chapter 61

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"NO, NOT THERE, DUNCE FACE!!! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU!??" Bakugou's booming voice could have even rivaled Present Mic's at this moment.

"Okay, okay! I'm trying, man! You need to take a chill pill..." Kaminari mumbled the last statement, but Bakugou had still heard him. He growled at the electric boy, causing him to flinch and work faster.

His other classmates as well as several students from the Support Course had sheepish smiles with large sweat drops on their temples. They had now all moved into the third-year dorms and it was the day before the first day of classes.

It was also the day that Ayano would finally return to U.A.

Currently, they were setting up decorations in the lounge in preparation for her 'Welcome back!' party.

"To think that this is the same guy from a year ago..." Sero remarked as he put up another streamer.

Mina nodded in agreement. "Yeah! Last year he didn't even think about throwing a celebration and going on a last date with Aya-chan. Now he's basically a slave driver!"

"It's a good thing we all like Sasaki, too. Otherwise, I'm not sure I'd help him with that attitude of his!" Fujiyoshi muttered.

Midoriya laughed awkwardly. "I'm sure Kacchan is just nervous about Aya-chan coming back. He wants everything to be perfect for her."

"HEY!! IF YOU'VE GOT TIME TO RUN YOUR MOUTHS, THEN YOU'VE GOT TIME TO SET UP!!!" Bakugou interrupted their conversation, causing several of his classmates to groan. Nonetheless, they relented to his demands, continuing to set up for the party.

When they had finished, Bakugou made the rounds to inspect every nook and cranny. He was in the middle of yelling at Kirishima to reorganize something insignificant when he suddenly froze.

He heard the sound of a car door slamming shut.

She's here.

"EVERYBODY INTO POSITION! NOW!!!" He yelled as everyone scrambled to their place. The lounge became dead silent, everyone tensing and holding their breaths as they heard the doorknob turn.

As Ayano walked in, everyone shouted for joy and unloaded their party poppers, launching confetti into the air.

Bakugou was going to shout with the rest of them but once again, he was frozen. As soon as he saw her, his breath left him and it was as if his vision was blurred with Ayano being the only person in focus.

Just like when she left, she returned with only a simple duffel bag slung over her shoulder. Her style was the same as it had always been. Comfort and practicality over anything else. On her right wrist was his gift in as good of a condition as when he first gave it to her. Her hair was now long enough to end just at the middle of her shoulder blades.

As everyone blew confetti everywhere, Ayano gently smiled and bowed her head in appreciation.

God, did he miss that smile.

As everyone crowded around her, Ayano relayed her gratitude while setting down her bag. Noticing that a certain someone was not among the crowd, she looked up to find him. The second she saw him across the room, she froze. Everyone around her seemed to fade into the background, Bakugou being the only one in focus.

He looked largely the same as a year ago, although he seemed to be a bit more built. Surely, his time working under Endeavor required him to strengthen his body. Had he grown a little taller? It was hard to tell from this distance, but she most certainly saw his intense gaze.

God, did she miss those piercing eyes.

They bore right into her, sending chills down her spine. Seeing that fierce look through videos was one thing, but experiencing it in person was another thing entirely.

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