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"The villain is on the run! I repeat, the villain is on the run! He is currently headed towards Tatooin Station!" The radio blared in Ayano's car. She frowned as her grip on the wheel tightened. Shifting gears, she stepped on the gas towards the train station.

Keeping one hand on the wheel, she used the other to bring up a holographic screen from the center console. Tapping several options, gears within her car began moving.

As Ayano made it closer and closer to the station, she saw the villain from a distance. Shifting gears again, she revved up her car, moving to cut his path off. When he was clearly in her sights, she tapped a button on the center console, shooting a capture item towards the unsuspecting villain.

Being wrapped up in layers of the capture cloth, the villain fell from the sky and landed right in front of Ayano's car as it screeched to a halt. Opening the driver door, the woman stepped out, her heels clicking on the concrete pavement.

The villain continued to struggle against the restraints as she slowly walked towards him. She spoke methodically. "It's useless. That cloth is a special capture item that I created. It's made of a specific shape-shifting alloy that compresses under stress. In other words, the more you struggle, the harder it coils. Like a snake's body wrapping around its prey."

The villain shouted curses at her. Ayano ignored him, pulling the sleeve of her blazer up to check the time on her watch. Just then, she heard the sounds of familiar explosions. Turning her head, her eyes met those of her husband's. "How did I know you were going to be on your way here instead of the television studio?" She asked him rhetorically, giving him an admonishing look.

Katsuki landed on his feet, seeing that the villain was already subdued by his wife. "I didn't ask for your help." He said as he knocked the villain out so that he would stop struggling in his restraints.

Ayano raised an eyebrow at that, a hand moving to her hip. "Oh? Is that how you thank someone who just did half of your job for you?"

The costumed man sauntered over to her, smirking. "No, this is how." One arm roughly pulled her by the waist towards him, his lips eagerly meeting hers. She just as eagerly obliged.

"I know you don't need my help, but I also know that you're stupid enough to let this fool distract you from making it to the interview on time." She criticized him as she pulled her lips away from his, their arms still wrapped around each other.

The hero smirked at her. "Well, I'd say you're distracting me now."

She smirked back while giving her rebuttal. "Oh, and who's arms are currently wrapped around me, preventing me from leaving? Hmm?"

"I don't see you trying to pull away." He challenged. They both laughed as they leant in for another kiss.

Once again, Ayano was the one to pull away. "That's enough. Any more and you'll make us both late. I'll meet you at the television studio." She said as she walked back to her car. "Don't be late." She demanded with a slight glare.

"Yeah, yeah. I got it." Katsuki nonchalantly responded as he threw the unconscious villain over his shoulder. Ayano drove off while Katsuki made to deliver the villain to the police station.

Upon reaching the television studio, Ayano was ushered to a private dressing room. She was already dressed in a classic black women's suit with a maroon dress shirt underneath her blazer.

Just as the professionals made their finishing touches on her makeup, two knocks sounded on the dressing room door. Without waiting for an answer, Katsuki strolled in with his hands in his pockets. He had on a black dress shirt under a professional suit that had a similar dark red tone to Ayano's dress shirt.

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