Chapter 5

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The door to Max's house flew open and Max was thrown outside. Max's parents slammed the door and that's when he noticed "Nikki!" Max said quite loud shocked that she was there. "H-hey Max" Nikki said concern covering her face before Max got up and walked toward a gate witch Nikki assumed lead to Max's backyard. "Hey Max wait up!" Nikki whisper yelled trying to grab Max's attention it worked but not in the way she'd hoped. "What is it Nikki what could possibly be so fucking important right now!" Max shouted angrily causing Nikki to take a step back she didn't expect Max especially right not to be shouting. Even though Nikki got the general idea of what just happened she couldn't help but storm off leaving Max just standing there. Max turned and walked though the gate.


"I was Just trying to help" Nikki said under her breath then she remembered Nile lived near here and she got an idea. About five minuets later Nikki was banging on Neil's door so loud the neighbors where shouting at her to keep it down. At that time she heard the door unlock "Nikki what are you doing here?" Neil questioned when he opened the door. "Neil this is really weird I went to Max's house and heard his parents yelling at him then he came flying outside like a rocket!" Nikki shouted so quickly that Nile had to think about her words for more than he should have.

"Wait what" Neil responded with a confused expression on his face.

"I said!..  I went to Max's house and heard his parents yelling at him then he came flying outside like a rocket!" Nikki still shouted but slow enough that Nile actually understood what she was saying. 

"Wait so you where outside just walking by Max's house and you went over to his house and watched him fly out the door?" Neil questioned still trying to wrap his head around the situation.

"Yea and don't forget they where yelling at him to!" Nikki said seaming to get hyper off of the whole conversation. 

"was he hur.." Neil was cut off by Nikki grabbing his arm and running off leaving Nile's door open in the process. Nikki didn't stop running until they reached Max's house. Nikki continued to run right up to the door and knocked but a lot lot calmer than when she was at Nile's house. After she finished knocking they heard shuffling toward the door. About two minuets of waiting and the door opened on the other side of the door stood Max and a very tall man in witch could only be thought to be his father. "Hey Max wanna come out and play?" Nikki questioned as if nothing had happened. Max looked up to his father who was looming over him with a I don't know what to do look. Max's father replied with "sure go out and play with your friends but don't be late coming home" he sounded angry as he pushed Max out the door and closed it. "So uh Max lets go to the park!" Nikki said trying to change what ever subject they where on grabbing both Max, and Neil's arm dragging them behind her. Neil took this time to check to see Max's facial expression Max looked normal like he always looked until Nikki picked up her speed and squeezed both boys wrists tighter. Neil noticed that Max's face twitched before Max noticed Neil looking at him. "What did you suddenly develop a fucking staring problem!" Max shouted as Nikki stopped running "where here!" she shouted letting go of there arms and running to the monkey bars. "Hey is something bugging you Max?" Neil asked trying not to be to straight forward. 

"What do you mean?" Max asked avoiding Neil's question.

"I mean is everything all right at home?" Neil reworded his question to be more specific.

"Yea why would't it be" Max said sarcastically well holding his arm.

"Then whats this?" Neil said reaching over moving Max's sleeve up. Neil paused and looked at Max he wasn't expecting it to be that bad. Max quickly pulled his arm away and brought his sleeve back down. After a couple seconds of Max glaring at Neil Max got up and started to walk off. "Max wait!" Neil shouted catching Nikki's attention. 

"Whats going on" Nikki said making her way over to Neil who look paler than usual.

"Why don't you ask shithead!" Max shouted back before picking up his pace causing Nikki to look at Neil confused.

"Nikki Max's arm" He paused "his arm was covered in scars and cuts" Neil whispered trying not to let Max hear him. 

"What do you mean I think we would have noticed scars on his arm during camp Neil" Nikki said slightly talking down to Neil until he pointed out how they had never seen Max without his hoodie. "Oh" Nikki said pausing only a moment before running after Max. "Max! Max wait up!" Nikki shouted making Max pause and turn around to see what she wanted. "Max come back to the park let's play grounders!" Nikki said as she caught up. Max thought about but knew he didn't want to go home until he absolutely had to so he went back to the park with Nikki but when they passed by Neil Max glared at him well still following Nikki. "Alright Nile your it k!" Nikki shouted over to Nile who just realized what she did. 


About an hour later at the park Max said that he should start heading back both Nikki and Neil thought the same thing following him sorta walking him home. Nikki was still hyper not even all that running around made her tired. Neil was slow paced but walking beside Max they just walking in awkward silence till they reached Max's house. Before Max could open the door it swung open causing him to flinch slightly. "Oh Max your home" his mother said sounding cheerful enough. 

"Hi miss" Nile said trying to break the now awkward silence. 

"You two are such good friends to walk Max home like that" Max's mother said making him gag a little at how nice she was being. Things ran though his head what was she up to was she planning something and why was she talking to his friends. Max look between them both before his mother spoke again. "Hey we are having a dinner party next weekend and i'm sure Max would love to have his friends there to keep him company". Max looked at her in shock he didn't know what she was up to but for her to say that and mean it she must have something up her sleeve. Not thinking Nikki agreed causing Neil to panic and agree as well. Max looked at them then his mother than back to them again. Then his mother spoke again "also please wear something nice its formal" She smiled leading Max inside saying good bye and shut the door. "Now you really can't mess up our party" his mother scoffed no more than a second after she shut the door. "Also that counselor of yours is going to be here to and you had better hope you did what we told you to" she said knocking Max off his feet. "Now get to work I want this house spotless by next week".


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