Chapter 3 : What Does He Want From Me?

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“Why are you covering up your face?” I asked Regan. Both of us were in the toilet, looking at the mirror. Regan was putting pounds of makeup on, trying to cover up the bruises on her face.  The whole time she was putting the foundation on her face, she kept wincing. I could tell the light brown bruise on her cheek was still hurting. She rolled her eyes, continuing to cover it up.

“Because I have to. I don’t want people to look at me and think that I’m getting abused,” Regan said. But the thing is, we are getting abused in our home. To me, I guess Regan can’t admit to herself. “And besides, I have to look presentable when I’m painting a client of mine,” Regan said.

Regan has a job where she needs to sketch out a naked lad for what might seem like hours to do. She told me that the lad was a model that goes all around the world to do all types of photoshoots and drawings. Regan wants to make a good impression on him and not get a bad report from him.

“Why don’t we ever tell anyone about what’s going on at home?” I asked. Regan put her foundation down and looked at me through the mirror. She took out a sigh and then turned around, looking at me. I looked at her back, turning around.

“Because it will destroy the family. It’ll put Dad’s business into shame and everyone will look at Mum differently,” she said.

“We care 21 years old Regan. Why can’t we just run away and never look back,” I said.

“Because I like it here. The neighborhood I mean. And I don’t have the money to live somewhere else and take care the both of us. You don’t even have a job Alisa,” Regan said.

I looked away from her. I wish we could have the backbone to at least run away from this hell hole. But I said it before and I’ll say it again, wishes never come true. So it seems like I’m here forever it looks like. I looked back up and saw Regan putting on her blazer and checking herself out in the mirror.

How can she be so okay with what is going on? At times, I wish I was like Regan. She was very strong and never let the past get to her. But I know deep down she’s scared as well. Like last night, she was scared to sleep alone, so she laid in my bed, crying herself to sleep. I didn’t even get that much rest last night because I was afraid of what Dad will do next.

“Are you still going to the gym?” Regan asked me, turning her head towards me. I nodded my head.

At practice yesterday, I was going to end up doing a solo and a duet with Jesse. I had to meet Jesse down at the gym so we can work on the dance together. Sammy was kind of pissed that she was only the group dance, but later gotten over it. At least I think so.

Regan and I left the toilet and went down the hallway. Thank God that Mum and Dad weren’t home because it’ll be a mess trying to leave. We went down the stairs and walked through the entrance way, while Regan grabbed her bag and keys. I opened the door and both of us headed out the flat. I looked over at Harry’s yard and noticed that he wasn’t there this time.

“Why are you looking over there?” Regan asked. I turned back around and looked back at her.

“I thought I heard something,” I said, walking towards the car.

“How did it feel talking to Harry?” Regan asked. Once I gotten to the passenger side of the car, I looked at her. I shrugged my shoulders. I didn’t know there was a feeling when you’re talking to someone. I took out a sigh.

“It was like talking to a normal person. Can we please go now,” I said. Regan unlocked the door while I opened it and got in, closing the door behind me. Regan then gotten in the car, closing the door behind her and I could feel her eyes looking at me. I turned to her. “What? Why are you staring at me?” I asked.

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