Chapter 8 : Led On

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The next morning, I came into the locker room of the dance studio, my bag strap on my shoulder. Once I turned into the next aisle of lockers, I saw Sammy sitting at one of the benches, tying her shoe to her foot. I didn’t want to go over there and start drama with her. But things already started to build up between us. It has to be said about what Sammy has done. I can’t just not talk about it and give her the silent treatment for long. Well, it does seem she was giving the same treatment towards me.

I took out a sigh and went over towards her, putting my bag on the bench. Sammy put her foot down from the bench and looked up at me slowly. I didn’t even know what the hell I was going to say to her yet. I didn’t want to yell at her in front of the whole dance team. I cleared my throat and sat down on the bench, my eyes on her.

“Why did you leave me?” I asked. That was the only thing I wanted to ask her. Why did she leave? Why didn’t she at least wake me up? Sammy took out a sigh and shrugged her shoulders. Typical Sammy. Didn’t have an answer for anything. Should’ve known. “So you have no answer on leaving your only best mate at somebody’s home?” I asked. Sammy took out another sigh.

“Look I’m sorry. But...I don’t know, I was scared. I tried waking you up, but you were passed out and there was no way you could’ve woken up. Mrs.Kayfer hates me and will take no chance to see how my parents will react. I’m really really sorry,” Sammy said.

I looked in her eyes and saw the plead. I had to give her some sympathy. But she could’ve at least drag me out of her flat instead leaving me there for hours. I can’t stay mad at Sammy forever. I took out a sigh and nodded my head. But deep down, I don’t know if I full forgive her.

“So what did your parents say?” Sammy asked. I shook my head and took out a sigh. Sammy knew exactly how my parents reacted, especially my dad.

Once Sammy gotten the point, she made an “O” shaped with her mouth and nodded her head.

“Alisa. Emily wants to see you,” I looked over towards my right and saw one of the assistants, Caroline, peeking from side of lockers. I nodded my head and then she disappeared.

I turned my head back towards Sammy and her eyebrows were raised.

“I’m surprised she didn’t want to see  me. I didn’t send in an ill report yesterday,” Sammy said.

“Yeah, but I did. I wonder what this is about,” I said, standing up from the bench and began to walk towards the exit of the locker rooms.

It was really odd that Emily wanted to see me. Regan put in an ill report yesterday, which might sounded real. Emily probably wanted to ask me how I was feeling. She’s probably also wondering if I worked on the solo anytime this week. That’s probably it. Nothing to really worry about. Besides, if anything was really bad, Emily would come to me herself and yell at the top of lungs to get everyone’s attention. This time, it’s probably nothing.

I walked out of the studio and through the double doors, going down the concert hallway. I walked quickly towards her door, which was the last door down. I knocked on the door and heard Emily’s voice to come in. I opened the door and saw Emily leaning back in her chair, staring at me. I immediately felt uncomfortable and shut the door behind me. I stood in front of the door with my hands clasped together in front of me, until Emily pointed at the chair. I rushed over and sat down at the chair, beginning to get stiff. Emily took out a sigh and didn’t leave her eyes off me. I looked down at my hands to avoid her stare, but my eyes kept wandering back up at her. I wish I could actually read her mind to actually know what she’s thinking about. I cleared my throat.

“You needed something Emily?” I asked. Emily nodded her head and took out a sigh.

“Your sister, Regan, said that you were sick yesterday, am I right?” Emily asked. I nodded my head. “It turned out that Sammy was gone the same day you were and I didn’t hear a call from her,” Emily continued. I shrugged my shoulders.

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