Chapter 10 : Feelings Beginning To Show

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Later that night, Mum decided to help do my hair for my date tonight. I don’t even know if I can even call it a date. But I really didn’t care, I’m calling it date even if it isn’t a date. I was wearing a plain black dress that was tight around the bust area but was loose on the way down. The length was down at my knees and Mum also decided to lend me her red stiletto ankle strap pumps. It wasn’t really my taste in shoes, but she thought the shoes would’ve looked cute with the dress. Regan was in her room and decided to never come out as long as I’m here. Her music was up high in her room and she’s painting and drawing anything that pops in her mind. It really didn’t matter to me, as long as Harry doesn’t see her, she doesn’t see Harry. Dad was also in the flat tonight and Mum even told him about tonight. He didn’t bother talking to me or showing any type of appreciation. All he did was go down to the wine cellar and didn’t come out for hours. I think it’s better that he stays there until I leave.

Once Mum was done with my hair, she stood me up and turned me to face her. She just smiled and nodded her head.

“You looked beautiful Alisa,” Mum said. Wow that was a first. I smiled at her and then turned to the mirror in her room.

The curls laid on the right places and the makeup on my face just look so natural and me. I smiled at myself and was amazed of how beautiful I looked. I didn’t look like the sick Alisa I used to be. With the arts of makeup, I look really good. I turned around and looked at Mum, almost stumbling in the heels.

“Thanks Mum. It actually looks really good,” I said. Mum was still smiling at me, taking out a sigh.

“You really look beautiful. He won’t keep your eyes off you,” Mum said. I smiled at the compliment and then heard the doorbell ring from downstairs. Butterflies began to pile in my stomach and I couldn’t stop smiling. “Good luck on your date love,” Mum said, pulling me into a hug. For some reason I didn’t want to let go. I actually gotten that relationship with my Mum that I always wanted. Now it’s Dad I’m worried about.

Both of us gotten out of the hug and I hurried out of the room, going down the stairs after hearing a second doorbell ring. I walked quickly towards the door and opened it, seeing Harry with a rose in his hands and a tux without a tie. He smiled at me, his dimples rising and never went away. He handed me the rose and I took it, our hands brushing against each other.

“You look absolutely beautiful,” Harry said.

“Thank you,” I said. I stepped out of the flat and closed the door behind me. “Sorry if I’m stumbling in these shoes. I’m not really into heels,” I said. Harry took out a small laugh while I walked beside him.

“So. Where are we going for tonight?” Harry asked, both of us walking down the pathway.

“Well. Of course I’m broke and I don’t even have a job. So, I decided to plan a dinner by the lake. My mate Sammy helped me plan the whole thing. She’s down there now,” I said.

“Creative. I wouldn’t have thought of that,” Harry said.

“Trust me, it took like hours to do that. We had to cook the food, actually buy a table, lights, chairs that match. It wasn’t an easy job, but we got through it,” I said.

Once we left the pathway, we walked down the road towards the lake. We were talking the whole time and laughing and not even talking about the bad. We were actually talking about the good. I told Harry about what I would want to do in the future some day. I would love to be a world famous dancer and sell out concerts. I would also like to be a choreographer and teach little kids. One of my big dreams. Harry even told me about how he would love to be a world class baker one day. He kind of had the dream my mum wanted.

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