Hello bitchachos! So I have recently found myself struggling to be inspired to write new material. This diary-blog-thingy should be very easy for me to write, as it is the actual events in my life, but I haven't had loads happening, and I can't bring myself to make anything in any way entertaining or interesting. I have to enjoy what I'm doing or I can't do it. I've been producing absolute garbage, just one apology after another. So I'm taking a brief hiatus. I'm not sure how long it will be for this story, but I can 100% promise you that I will have SOMETHING up by September 20th. It might not be for this, or any of my other published stories, but I have been working on a couple other things, so we'll see where that goes. Thank you so much for understanding.
Much love to my bitchachos,
P.S., in case you're interested, here's a brief overview of what's been going on with me.
Whew! Out of that annoying bold lettering! So here's what's been going on:
*I went on vacation to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
*I traveled around Northern Michigan with my mom, who needed a change of scenery, as she's writing a very funny book that should be getting published in the next two years or so. Exciting stuff.
*The cute boy I've been emailing and I have still been emailing, and quite often at that. We'll see what happens there ;)
*I'm going to a Neutral Milk Hotel (my favorite band) concert this Thursday, which should be very exciting.
*I've recieved no word from the place I applied for a job to :(
*My little sister slammed her finger in a car door, slicing part of it off, so she had to get three stitches and it was very bloody and gross and I had to hold a towel to her finger on the way to the ER and I almost passed out.
*My 3 week surfing season starts this Friday! I'm very excited, I do competions with a travel team that consists of myself, my cousin, and two of her friends. We sleep in a big RV the entire time and there's a big party at the end and it's really fun, even though I'm the worst surfer on our team.
*I start highschool this September! It's going to be interesting seeing how THAT goes...
*Right after surfing season ends, my golf season starts! Fun stuff up in here!
*I've been having a lot of Netflix marathons recently, when really I should be writing, practicing surfing or golfing. How naughty of me ;)
So that's pretty much it! Adios bitchachos!
Non-FictionHello inter-web! If you are reading this it means you've stumbled upon a wonderful little story that will be frequently updated as new material actually happens. This is the story of my life. It is in no way tragic, or romantic, or in anyway super e...