Chapter 2

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"You really know how to hold grudges,huh?"Jada asked and chuckled behind me.

I was leaning against the sofa in my room,deep in thought and staring through the large windows.I knew exactly what Jada was talking about.Kevin texted me a few nights ago,saying that he had seen me in the store,and ever since he had been calling in hopes that I would actually answer.Not once did I reach to pick up the phone when I saw his number displayed on the screen.Why was I holding a grudge?I don't know.Maybe because he had hurt me so many times in the past that I didn't even want to have a simple friendship with him.

Almost every friend that I had in the past was a mistake,other than Britney,Kylie and Jada.After high school I had kept those two girls close to me and started making friends with completely new people.I didn't need some foolish boy like Kevin trying to reconnect with me.I couldn't be friends or even make eye contact who had made my life a livfing hell.He remided me too much of my past.Being around him made me remember my mother,my brother and every past issue.

"Charlie?Don't you ever think that maybe he just wants to be friends?He's probably changed now"She said softly and rested her palm on my shoulder.

"He doesn't want to be a friend,Jada.Trust me.He's just trying to ruin me like he did before"I said and creased my eyebrows before looking down.

She looked at me with a look of concern on her face and stayed silent thinking about what to say next.Her lips parted,ready to say something,but closed again as she leaned on the sofa too.My palm reached up to my forehead and rubbed it,trying to get rid of my headache that had already started.Today was already a stressful day,I didn't need Kevin bothering me.The following day I was scheduled to meet up with one of the biggest names in Hip Hop to get a good look at his studio.I was due to start my assignment a few days after when I had all the materials I needed ready.

"I need to go now.Don't stress yourself out anymore,alright?"Jada said and patted my shoulder soothingly.

As soon as she exited the office my cellphone began to ring once again.I peered down on the screen and rolled my eyes when I saw who was calling.Finally I gave in and reached down for the phone.It wouldn't hurt to actually to talk to him.The last time I spoke to Kevin was before Jason had passed away.Maybe Jada was right.Maybe the foolish,immature boy had finally turned into a well educated man.


"Hey,Charlie.It's me Kevin.Finally you decided to pick up"He said softly and chuckled to himself.

"Sorry if I didn't answer before.It's just been a while".My voice was a little shaky.I didn't really know what to talk about with him.

For about five minutes we had managed to drag on the conversation.Every now and then I was smiling and laughing at his usual jokes.We had talked about my work and unexpectedly he had brought up our past relationship and explained that the girl he had brought into the store with him was just a friend.I found myself hesitating to believe him but something about the tone in his calm voice told me that I should.

"Maybe we should meet up tomorrow.Is that good?"He asked and awaited his answer.

I thought about it for a while and shut my eyes tightly.If I met up with him he would pull me into him again.

"That sounds fine,Kev.I have to be somewhere but I'm available in the afternoon".

After my crew of three employess and I gathered our things we were on our way to the studio.Today we were only looking at the area,deciding what to do with the empty space.I was kind of surprised when we reached our destination.The studio was surrounded by large trees and just like I expected,large and fancy.Even though the exterior was well decorated,the interior was empty and waiting to be repaired.From what I had gathered the lable had only recently moved to that area.

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