Chapter 6

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Thank you to the few of you that read :) I try my best to make every chapter exciting.A new cover's coming soon though,the current one was kind of a temporary thing.Anyway,enjoy!


Marshall pulled away,released his hands from my body and quietly stared at the floor.I remained silent,not knowing exactly what to say.He stared up at me and smiled softly while itching the back og his neck,a usual gesture of his.I could sense the bad news,I knew he was going to say something to break my heart right there.It would have been better if I just walked through the door and never turned back.

"Charlotte..."He whispered and took my hand in his,pulling my smaller body closer to his.


"Do you think this is right?"He asked and gestured between our bodies,"I're twenty five and I'm thirty nine"

My heart dropped as soon as he dropped my hand from his.Marshall was the one who had kissed me first,why was he now thinking these silly thoughts?

"Marshall we don't have to be anything more than friends if you don't want to.I understand completely"I said softly and took a step back.

"It's not that I don't want to be more than friends with you,Charlotte.But just imagine what everyone else would think.I'm almost fifteen years older than you"He said and burried his hands itnto his pockets.

"I understand,Marshall.I'll see you tomorrow"I said simply,patting him on his shoulder and exiting the door.

I walked towards my car,my back turned towards Marshall so that he couldn't see the saddened expression on my face.My hand lazily grasped the handle and I pulled open the door,gloomily sitting in my seat.It didn't take long for me to pull out of Marshall's house and drive slowly out of the enclosed area.My car was being driven slow due to the range of different saddening moods that I was feeling at that moment.

My first thought after exiting the area was to drive to Britney's house.Luckily,the cheerful,loud girl was at home and I knocked on the door loudly like a complete idiot,ignoring the doorbell that was right in front of my face.She pulled open the door with a confused,angry expression on her face but softened her features when she saw me standing there,my hair tangled and my eyes emptier than ever.

"Come in Charlie"She said softly and pulled open the door for me to enter,"What happened?Why are you sad?"

"I went to Marshall's house today and we kissed"I said and planted my lazy behind onto her couch,my hands falling limp to my sides.

"Why the hell do you sound so sad about that?"She asked,a horrified expression on my face.

The thought of the kiss alone was making me want to smile but I kept remembering Marshall's hurtful words after.I honestly had no idea why I was so sad about everything.Maybe it was because I hadn't actually admitted to myself how much I liked Marshall but when he kissed me,I had all these different emotions.I don't think the kiss was wrong,it was the best that I ever had.Then again even though I was only twenty five,no man had ever treated me like Marshall did.

"We kissed like twice but he said that even though he felt something,it was wrong of us to do.I like him,Brit"I said sadly,my eyes not leaving the blank television screen.

"I know you like him,Charlie.Maybe he's just not ready for a relationship.He'll come around"She said softly and passed her fingers through my tangled hair.

My eyebrows creased by the time the first few words left her mouth,How could she possible know that I liked Marshall?If I hadn't even admitted it to myself there was no way that I admitted it to her.

"How did you know that I liked Marshall?"I asked and turned my head towards her,my eyebrows raised.

"You were always babbling on about him,Charlie"She said and giggled to herself,"The way you talked about him alone told me how you felt"

"Do I really talk about him alot?I didn't realise that"I said and licked my lips,my forehead creased as I thought about her words.

I sighed sadly and leaned into her side,my eyes landing on the floor.I just wanted to jump onto my bed and ignore everything else in the world,especially Marshall.Britney remained silent beside me,most likely giving me time to think for myself.I was grateful that someone had taken me into their arms after Marshall had practically released me out of his.Damn,I needed to stop thinking about him.

That night I brushed my teeth,crawled into my bed and curled up in the sheets,alone.One reason for me not being able to fall asleep was Marshall.his face just kept popping into my mind.Right before I had dropped asleep finally my brain just thought,"Hey,let's think some more about Marshall and his hurtful words!".So I laid there,Marshall consuming my mind and my eyes becoming sadder by the second.I had to brace myself though,before we had even kissed I invited him over the following day.

My body was lazily planted on the couch as I waited for Marshall to arrive.Several movies were sprawled onto the glass table in front of my couch and a bowl of popcorn was there too.

I sighed when I heard Marshall ring the doorbell and stood up slowly,fixing my hair and outfit.I pulled open the door with a convincing smile on my face and welcomed him in.

"You don't have to feel awkward about yesterday,Charlotte.Can we just go back to how it was know?"He asked hopefully with a smile.

"Of course"I said and smiled back in reply.

For a few hours or so Marshall and I had watched cheesy,scary and mysterious movies,all the while chatting and giggling about the weird characters in each movie.The awkward atmosphere had died down a long time before and we seemed to be acting normal around each other.His hand was draped over my shoulder and my body was close beside his.Not too normal but he was still cheeky Marshall,I didn't expect him to stay metres away from me.

I bit down on my lip in frustration when the unexpected kissing scene rolled onto the screen.I had done a good job from stopping myself from jumping on Marshall and kissing him,I didn't need to see other people do it.

My body leaned closer to his every time the sweet couple on the television shared another touching moment.I hadn't actually realised that his arm was wrapped tighter around my shoulder but when I did,he was already looking down on me with that cute expression on his face.

My mind instantly yelled "Fuck it,just kiss the man!".While Marshall continued his constant stare on my lips I reached up,finally gaining his attention.Marshall lowered his head and his eyes landed on mine.Just as he was about to press his soft lips to mine and make me happier than ever,the frickin doorbell rang.

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