Heart Of The Designer (Eminem Fan Fiction)

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Charlotte Dayna Marvis

I sat silently on the sofa while I watched my nephew,aged two,playing with his toys.A small smile was on his lips as he fumbled about with the action figures and stuffed animals.He had been through so much,without knowing it,but was happy as always.Every now and then a little giggle would escape his small lips as he turned his bright eyes towards mine.I wish I could have been like that when I was smaller,happy and carefree.

When I was two years old my family was having issues just like his,except I wasn't really happy like he was.Instead of playing around with toys I was locked upstairs in a room with my brother who tried his best to comfort me.My parents would be shamelessly fighting downstairs while I cried in the arms of my brother.Even at such a young age I didn't have a strong bond with my mother like most girls did.Thank goodness my father was in the house,that meant someone was actually looking after us.My mother didn't even notice her children's presence anymore.

I'm twenty five now and everything was better,slightly.My father was remarried to someone who actually loved me this time.Even though they were happy in love my nephew's parents weren't.After Josh was born his mother had become reckless like mine.Something went wrong in her crazy head and she neglected her son and her boyfriend.My brother was trying his best to raise his son who was only a few months at the time but a scary accident had left him lifeless.That's when I took Josh into my home.Because his parents were gone didn't mean there was no one to look after him.

"Charlie,where are you?"I could hear my stepmother ask after entering my house.

I shouted back a reply and told her that I was upstairs with Josh.I had turned one of my guest rooms into a room for him.His toys were on one side,a small but cute bed was on the other and the white furniture was set up in different parts of the room.Some of his clothes were in my home and some in my father's house.

Linda entered the room with a warm smile on her face.She pulled me into a hug and then took a seat next to Josh who greeted her with a sloppy kiss on the cheek.

"How's he doing?"She asked with a concerned tone in her voice.

It had been over year since his parents left,not that he knew.Josh called my stepmother 'mommy' and it honestly made my heart swell.Linda had no children of her own,she wasn't able to.When I had asked her to help me with Josh she couldn't have been happier.No matter what she was by Josh's side and she raised him as if he was her own flesh and blood.My father too had helped continuously with his only grandchild

"He's doing great.He's so happy and doesn't even know what's going on"I muttered and diverted my eyes to Josh who seemed sleepy.

I picked Josh up and set him on his comfortable bed as his eyes began to droop.

Slowly,but finally,he fell asleep and I played around with his soft hair like always.He always fell asleep when I did that.

"Why would she ever leave Josh and Jacob?"I asked sadly as I sat next to Josh's sleeping body.

"I sometimes wonder the same thing,honey.But you know what?It doesn't matter.Jacob's looking down on us and Josh has a family to keep him.He's got us"She said soothingly and smiled at me.

I tried my best to smile back but tears filled my eyes when I heard her comment about Jacob.He was looking down on us,but he wasn't here.If he could have seen how happy Josh was he would have been so proud.

"It's alright sweetheart"She whispered and pulled me into a warm hug.

"Good morning,Charlie!"Jada said cheerfully as she skipped into my office.

"Good morning,Jada"I sad and smiled when I saw her standing in front of my desk.

"I just came to tell you that Drake called to thank you for your work once again.He says that he absolutely loves how the studio looks"She said and played around with the pen in her hand.

"That's great because we can't afford to disappoint celebrities"I said and chuckled.

Jada had been a great employee of mine ever since I started my career five years ago.Even though we worked together we had formed a strong friendship.If we weren't working together we were hanging out together.

"Oh and one more thing!Drake said that his friend was looking for someone to help fix his studio and that he's going to tell him about your work"She said hurredly before exiting my large office.

I smiled at Jada and then looked down at the picture of Linda,my father,Josh and I all hugging at the beach.There was a separate picture of Josh on the side.I could remember clearly why he was giggling like crazy in that picture.His cousins,who always came over to play with him,were making silly faces at him.He might have been through alot but he still had no idea.

Even though Josh had so many people who cared about him,even his little friends that were his age,I felt as though it was my job to protect him.I wanted to be able to give him more cousins one day but I was nowhere close to settling down with a man anytime soon.Men in their twenties were too busy partying and being immature.There was definitely no way that I was going to date a teenager then.Who the hell was I ever going to settle down with?

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