Chapter 3

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Somewhere in the midst of painting walls and hanging pictures I had managed to get a long,ugly scratch on my arm.It had been four days since I first came to the studio and my six employees and I were getting started on the studio.Walls were being painted,the floor was being changed because of its creases and new furniture was being set in the studio.Although it was going to take some time I could tell that the studio was going to turn out great.I didn't want to disappoint Emin-I mean Marshall.That still felt incredibly odd to say.

My workers had left since about ten minutes ago and I was the only person in the studio.While my employees were happily on their way home I was sat in the lounge of the studio,still sketching and trying to ignore the pain in my arm.Several samples of materials and colours were stacked beside my chair and a large,empty sketch pad was placed on my lap.I tried my best to come up with some kind of design.Nothing.My mind couldn't forget him.It was weird actually.I was thinking about another man while out with Kevin,but I was thinking about Kevin now.Good timing,Charlotte.

While passing my fingers along the mark in my hand I heard sounds coming from the other side of my door.My eyes instantly widened when I heard the door knob moving.What the hell was I supposed to do if I didn't know the person about to enter the studio?"Hi,I'm just sitting here and looking like a creep".Yeah,sounds good to me.

My eyebrows creased as I watched the door intently.Whoever was on the other side pushed the door open and I immediately sighed in relief.Even though I was relieved,he seemed shocked.

"Geez Charlotte you scared me!"He said and chuckled as he placed his hands over his chest.

"Oh sorry about that.I was just finishing up some last minute work"I said and smiled at him as he walked closer.

He sat on the chair opposite to mine and gazed around for a minute.Even though his smile was limited like always,I could see in his eyes that he was impressed.That was something that I noticed the day that I met him.He never really smiled to show his teeth.

"That's okay.This place looks fantastic"He said and continued to gaze around,his eyes widening when caught sight of my arm.

"You okay?"He asked and reached down to hold my hand in his.

My breath caught in my throat when he passed his fingers gently against my arm.Was that even supposed to happen?Getting that weird feeling?I don't know which one was overwhelming me more,having a famous man sitting beside me or having a handsome,polite man trying to help me because he genuinely cared.

"Yeah I'm fine.I just scratched it on something"I said,trying my best to keep my voice from shaking.

He smiled softly,but kept it limited like always,and grabbed the ice pack to the left of me.Before placing it to my amrs I could see his eyes widen at the wallpaper on my cellphone.It was a picture of Josh and I at the park,laughing at Britney who was the person to snap the picture.

"Is that your son?"

"Oh no that's my nephew.I'm not even in a relationship"

"Well you don't seem so happy about that.."He trailed off,amusement clear in his eyes.

"I'm twenty five and single.My parents want grandchildren and my nephew wants another cousin.Nothing to be happy about there"I said and laughed sarcastically to myself.

"Well if it makes you feel any better I'm thirty nine and single"He said and raised his eyebrow jokingly.

"Yeah but you've been married before and you have children.You don't even need to worry about your future"I said and pointed my finger at him,a smile on my face.

" seem to know about me"He said and folded his arms with a little smirk on his lips.

"My best friend happens to be a fan"

"And you're not?"

He didn't even sound ofended,I could hear the amusement in his voice.

"Oh no I didn't mean it like that"I said and tried my best to not ofend him,"I just don't know much about this Hip Hop thing.I just don't know alot about you"

"Then that means we should spend more time together.That way we can both get to know each other better"He said and smiled at me,the little smirk still on his lips.

The day before,when Marshall walked in on me in the middle of his studio,we had spent a good few hours chatting.He seemed so friendly,something the public didn't see.I knew all about the protests and the haters and thinking about it,I couldn't understand what people would have against him.To me he seemed like just a polite,caring person.Not that I you know..liked him or anything.He was just..nice..and handsome.

Geez,I was doing it again,thinking about Marshall when I was on a 'date' with someone else.Kevin was sat on the other side of me while intently looking down at the menu.

"What do you think I should have?"He asked and ran his fingers along the page.

"This is just like you"I said and propped my chin against my raised arm.

"What do you mean?"

"You were always like this.You could never deicde what you want at a restaraunt"I said and shook my head while laughing.

He watched me with a goofy smile on his lips then went back to reading the menu.I sighed,waiting on him to finish and gazed around for a while.I did a double take when I spotted a man dressed in black and sitting with his back faced towards me.To the opposite of him was a man that I immediately recognised as 'Royce Da 5'9'.Britney used to tell me that they were great friends.

As if he sensed eyes on him,Marshall turned around swiftly but smiled as he saw me.That smile instantly dropped when he saw Kevin beside me.What the hell was I supposed to do now?I could only imagine what he was thinking,"She lied about not having a boyfriend".

I excused myself from Kevin,making sure not give him my real explanation and headed towards Marhsall.He did the same and left his seat,joining me at the secluded area of the outdoor restaraunt.

"Fancy meeting you here"I said jokingly and raised my eyebrow.

"Oh yeah I just came along with my friend Royce for a little bit.You seem to be enjoying"He said and nodded towards Kevin.

"Oh no he's not my boyfriend or anything"I whispered and looked down.

"You know what?I gotta head back now but I'll see you later on at the studio"He said and smiled lightly.He burried his hands in his pockets and walked back to the table.

I went back to Kevin and immediately felt confused because of his staring.I creased my eyebrows,sat down in my seat and tried my best to ignore his strange looks.

"Who was that?"He asked bitterly.I don't even think he realised that I was talking to Eminem the rapper.

"He's just a friend"I said simply and looked down.

"Well if he's a friend keep it that way,arlight?Geez Charlotte we're on a fucking date and you're flirting with someone else"

My lips parted when he shared his rude comment.This is exactly what I didn't want to happen,Kevin showing his bad side again.As much as I hated to admit it,his harsh tone hurt me.I looked down,hiding my face from Kevin but I could still see Marshall's concerned look from across the room.

"You don't need to start back with this shit,Charlie.This is one of the reasons why we broke up,you're so frickin stupid at times"He said rudely and rolled his eyes.

That was all it took for the tears to start pouring out of my eyes.I knew Kevin didn't could care but I could see Marshall clearly did,he was staring angrily at the back of Kevin's head.At that moment I couldn't help but think I was on the wrong date with the wrong man.

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