Toy Soldiers in Baby

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Author's Note: In this, the reader is 10 years old and Sam is 6.


"Hey Sammy, where's Dean?" You popped your head in Sam's room. You were staying at Bobby's house for the weekend while John and Bobby caught up, being friends rather than hunting partners. You were in your room, reading when you finished the book and decided to go see Dean but you didn't know where he was.

"I don't know." Sam shrugged. You frowned when you saw him look a bit down. Dean could wait, you wanted to be with Sam now.

"What's wrong?" You sat down next to him and watched as he fumbled with his toy soldiers.

"We have to leave Uncle Bobby's soon and he has the toy soldiers. Dad said I can't take them with me." Sam sighed. He was only 6 but if he was so upset about it, you would try to make him feel better. You hated seeing Sam sad and if you could do something about it, you would turn that frown, upside down.

"Here, grab two of your favorite ones and follow me. We have to be sneaky so don't make too much noise." You stood up and grinned at him. He knew that smile all too well. When you smiled mischievously, he knew you were up to something.

Sam was a very smart 6-year-old. He looked at his soldiers and had a look of concentration on his face before picking two he liked and held them out to you. You grabbed them and took his hand, making him follow you. You peeked around the wall, down the hall to make sure no one was there.

"Okay Sam, we're going to pretend to be soldiers and we have a mission: get you your dad's car and avoid anyone at all costs." He smiled and nodded, immediately getting into character. You both peeked one more time around the frame of the door and when it was clear, you and him ran silently down the hall, ducking underneath a table.

That table just happened to be right next to the stairs and you peeked around, not seeing Bobby, John, or Dean and you smiled, grabbing Sam's hand. You ran down the stairs and flattened yourself against the wall. It was the wall that was connected to the kitchen and you put a finger to your lips and looked at Sam. He nodded and got the message, not saying a word.

You looked behind the wall and into the kitchen, seeing Dean by the sink, doing the dishes. You looked back at Sam and mouthed Dean's name and pointed into the kitchen. He seemed to know what he said because he nodded and looked at you for instructions on what to do. You bit your lip and put your hand up to tell him to stay where he was and he nodded again.

You peeked around the corner and saw Dean by the sink still. His back was to you and you ran across the opening silently, hiding behind a plant that hid you from Dean's view if he turned around. Sam was about to run to you but you held up your hand to stop him as you saw Dean turn around and walk to the fridge. You looked at Sam and shook your head, holding up on finger to tell him to wait.

You watched as Dean grabbed a water bottle and walked back to the sink, drinking from the bottle and continuing cleaning the dishes. You nodded to Sam and waved him over. He stealthily made his way to you and smiled. You grabbed his hand and opened the back door as slowly as you could and once it was wide enough to slip through you went first with Sam behind you.

You didn't see John or Bobby but you saw John's car. You ran with Sam to the side of his car and opened the door. John always kept it unlocked for reason you didn't know of but was thankful he did. You let Sam go in the backseat first and you went in after him.

"Okay, Sam, here." You handed on of the toy soldiers to him and he grabbed it.

"What are we going to do with them?"

"We are hiding them in here," you looked around and saw there was an opening of some kind on the side of the door bed you smiled widely. Maybe this opening was for cups or cigarettes but you didn't care. It was used for something else now. "We will keep those hidden in here and where you go, these toy soldiers will go." He put his soldier next to your and you smiled at him.

"Wow! You're so smart!" He giggled.

"Now you can't tell Dean or your dad because they will make you take them out." You said to him.

"Our secret." He held up his pinky.

"Our secret." You wrapped your pinky around his. A promise you always kept to him.

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