You Get Arrested For The First Time

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Author's Note: In this, the reader and Dean are 18 years old.


You were only 18-years-old and you were ready to sleep for a million years. Kids at your age should worry about not passing a test or if their best friend kissed someone. Kids your age shouldn't have to worry about staying alive from some monster that people didn't believe in. Your mom died 8 years ago and you still thought of it as it was yesterday.

You had to get away but you didn't want Dean with you. Lately, Dean has been so protective of you and you were grateful but you didn't need him here for this. You were staying in a motel room that was right across from a bar.

It was a good thing the bar was so close because if anything were to happen, you would just run back to Dean. It was after midnight which was good because all the Winchester boys were sleeping. That gave you the opportunity to slip out and head over to the bar.

You knew you wouldn't get any alcohol since you weren't old enough but you liked the music they played there. You walked inside and some people turned to look at you but other people couldn't give two shits about you.

You walked over to the bar and sat down. The bartender was all over your ass the minute you sat down.

"I need to see some ID please." She said. You could tell she was the snobby type but you weren't in the mood to deal with her.

"Can I just get a coke? Please?" You asked, looking up at her. She was about to say something but one look into your eyes and she nodded. She could tell something is wrong.

"Sure." She got out a glass, filled it with ice and poured the soda into it. You smiled and took it from her, putting down a few dollars for it. You walked away from the bar and sat at one of the back tables, watching the band set up. You thought it was late for a band but apparently not.

"Is this seat taken?" You looked up at a creepy older man. You could tell he was bad news for younger girls everywhere.

"Yes, it is." You said, hoping he would go away.

"By who? I didn't see you come in with anyone." He said, trying to be persistent.

"Look, I said it was taken. So, why don't you go bother someone else? Someone who is your age. It's kind of creepy what you're doing." You said, glaring at him. You could easily take him down if the need came for it. You may look like a fragile girl but you were the exact opposite. You learned all your fighting skilled form the best teacher.

John was a lot of things and a great teacher was one of them. He taught you how to shoot a gun at the age of thirteen, taught you how to fight and take down people three times your size, and taught you how to take care of yourself. You owed that man a lot.

The man in front of you glared but didn't say anything as he left you. You knew he would be back to cause some trouble but right now, you were drinking your soda in silence, enjoying the band that was now playing.

Your mind was reeling with thoughts and you knew that if you went back to the motel room now, you wouldn't get any sleep so may as well stay here and be around people, creepy or not. You watched other people play pool, make out in corners, men flirting with the bartender and others just laughing and enjoying each other's company.

You've been nursing one glass of soda for a few hours now and you thought it would be best to leave the bar. It was 2 in the morning and you knew that the Winchesters wouldn't wake up now but if they did and they didn't see you, they would go crazy.

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