Your 18th Birthday

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Author's Note: In this, the reader is 18 years old and Dean is 17 years old and Sam is 14 years old.


"Y/N! Wake up!" You groaned as your eyes fluttered open. You looked at Sam who had a huge smile on his face. He had a box in his hands and you smiled, sitting up.

"Hey, Sammy." You could smell the breakfast that John was already making you. This is how it always was, every year. Sam would wake you up, John made you breakfast and you would go about your day normally. You tried not to make a big deal out of your birthday.

Most years, it wasn't. But this year, Dean would make sure this day would be special.

"I got you something." Sam said, holding the box to you.

"You didn't have to." You said, grabbing it. You opened it up and smiled when you saw it was the bracelet you've been pining over at the thrift shop. You didn't have enough money to get it yourself but you didn't think that Sam had enough money either.

"Sam, this is beautiful. How did you get it?" You asked, looking at him.

"I did a few small jobs. I know you liked it when you saw it." You looked up at him and pulled him into a hug.

"Thank you, Sam, this is awesome." You handed Sam the bracelet and he put it on you.

"Happy birthday, Y/N." You grinned and looked up just as the door was opening.

"Happy birthday, Y/N. I have breakfast waiting for you." John said, looking inside the room.

"Okay, I'll be right out." You said with a smile. Sam got up and left the room. You sighed, smoothing your hair back into a ponytail. Another year, another age. It seems like the older you get, the more stress you had. You couldn't even imagine turning 30 or 50. You couldn't even see that far into the future.

By the way your life is going now, you would be surprised if you made it to those ages. You would consider yourself lucky. You got up, going into the bathroom and brushing your teeth. You could never start a day without that first.

You walked out to the kitchen area and smiled at the Winchesters who were staring at you.

"Happy birthday, sweetheart." Dean said with a grin, eating his own breakfast. Every year, John would go all out, making everything that is considered breakfast foods. He would make so much, there would be leftovers for at least a week.

"Thank you, Dean. How does it feel knowing I'm an adult now and you're still a child?" You grinned, teasing him as you grabbed your own plate. Dean glared at you playfully and you giggled, sitting down next to him.

"How about I take you out today?" Dean asked, looking at you.

"Oh, Dean, you don't have to. I mean, this is enough. I have everything I could possibly need right here." You said, eating some pancakes.

"Please? I'll make it worth your while." You smiled and nodded, liking the idea of going out with Dean for your birthday.

"John, this is delicious. You should cook all the time." You said, looking at him.

"You know I don't have time." John said, sitting at the table. You and the Winchesters had a really great breakfast but that's all it was. Great. Then it was over and you were back to your normal routine. You spent the day like you normal did and you wondered when Dean was going to actually take you out. Or was he just saying that and he wasn't actually going to do that? You sat on your bed, looking at the bracelet that Sam had given you.

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