Mother's Day

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Author's Note: In this, the reader and Dean are 11 years old and Sam is 7.


What does being a mother mean? Your mother was a mom, yes, but she was more than that. She gave the word so much meaning just by being there for you. She would take care of you, bathe you, feed you, play with you, made sure you didn't hurt, and above all, love you.

Your heart broke when she died because all of that was ripped from you and you realized that no matter how many motherly figures you had in your life, they wouldn't her. It hurt, knowing that this day was the day to celebrate the love you had for your mother but you couldn't.

You didn't have anyone you could tell this too because it was just you, Sam, Dean and John. That's how it always was after your mom died. Mother's Day was just a reminder that you didn't have one and it stung. Growing up without a mother was hard enough so that is why you tried to make it easier on Dean and Sam.

You were the oldest of the three and even though you took care of Sam more, there were time you took care of Dean. You did everything a mother did but with Sam. You made sure he was always take care of first. You and Dean made that oath: Sammy was always first, no matter what.

When you three started going to school, you would ask him about his day and engage him to ask question, to be involved as much as he could. He needed a normal as can be childhood. It was only fair to him. You and Dean, it was too late for you to have one but not for Sammy.

You had just gotten out of school and you were already to cry until you couldn't. Today was Mother's Day and so every class, you were making Mother's Day things for everyone to take home. You made the things to avoid questioning but threw them out when no one was looking.

You didn't have any friends except Dean and thankfully he shared all your classes. You talked with him while everyone was buzzing about what they were going to get their mother's or what kind of mother they had.

"It'll get easier, Y/N. It does for me." Dean whispered to you.

"It doesn't get easier. You just find something to distract you long enough for you to say that." You sighed, getting up when the bell rang. School was out and that meant you had to be there for Sammy. You didn't know what he would say about today but at least he never knew his mother. It was much easier on him.

You walked out of the school and to the elementary school with Dean to pick up Sam.

"Y/N! Dean!" You heard Sam say. He ran to you with a big smile on his face and all your worries left your body. Seeing a smile on Sam's face was worth it. It made everything you do worth it.

"Hey, Sammy, how was school?" You asked, taking his hand in yours. You and the Winchesters always walked to and from school since the motel wasn't far at all. While you three were at school, John was out, hunting. Only you and Dean knew of this. Sam had no idea what his father really did and you wanted to keep it that way.


The rest of the day went by how you normally expected it to. John wasn't back from hunting so that made you and Dean in charge of making sure Sammy was fed before he went to sleep. Dean always did the cooking so he cooked dinner and it was delicious. You knew that when he grew up, he would be very good at this.

After dinner, he wanted to go to bed early and you let him, assuring you would take care of Sam and do this dishes. He trusted you and now, you were doing the dishes while Sam was watching some TV.

"Hey, Y/N?" You finished up the dishes and dried your hands, looking at Sam who walked up to you.

"What's up?" You smiled, watching him fiddle with a card.

"I made this in class today and I wanted to give this to you earlier but I didn't want Dean to see it." He handed you the card and frowned, looking at the front.

"Sam, what's this for?" You asked, getting tears.

"You always take care of me and according to the other kids, that's what mother's do. I know you're not my mom but you act like one and so I made this for you." You sat down at the table and opened the card, reading what Sam had to say.

You let a tear fall as you finished and saw that he also made you a heart.

"Sam, why didn't you want Dean to see this?" You asked, looking at him.

"Because he misses our mom. I didn't want to make him even more sad. I know you don't have your mom but you have me. And I have you." He said, smiling at you. You set the card down and got on your knees, hugging him tightly.

"I love you, Sammy." You said.

"I love you too." He hugged you back. Yes, you didn't have your mom and yes, you missed her like crazy but you had to be there for Sam and this was a step in the right direction.

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