The Time An Angel Visited You

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Author's Note: In this, the reader and Dean are 19 years old and Sam is 15 years old.


You knew this hunt would be dangerous. You knew the risks you were willing to make. You knew what would happen if the slightest thing went wrong. But you went on it anyway because that is the kind of person you were.

You always put others before you, making sure they were taken care of before you even thought about yourself. You had to do that because there were days you were taking care of John, Sam, and even Dean. You had to be strong for them, even when they seemed strong themselves.

But you couldn't do that when you were dying.

Let's start at the beginning.

You, Sam, Dean, and John were on a case to hunt down a nasty spirit who just loved to kill people and throw them around like rag dolls. His spirit went after women so you knew the dangers of going with the men.

You were going to be bait for the spirit but you didn't worry because you knew you had the Winchesters to back you up and protect you if anything were to go wrong. Upon walking into the house, you were already being targeted. Things were being thrown at your head, knives finding their way past you, and things in your way so that you would trip into something dangerous.

But, like you said, the Winchesters were there to protect you every time. But they couldn't even protect you from this one because no one could have predicted it. You found the bones and slated and burned them, thankful that it was all over.

But it wasn't.

The spirit came back and grabbed you, throwing you off the edge of the second story. You screamed until you hit the ground, darkness enveloping you. You must have hit your head pretty bad because the next thing you knew, you were staring at your own body as if you were a spirit yourself.

You saw as the boys rushed down the stairs and to you, trying to get you to wake up. You watched Dean, tears clouding his eyes as he tried not to think of a life without you. You didn't even get to say how you truly felt about him.

You didn't see John anywhere but you figured he went to go find the thing that was keeping the spirit here, the thing that the spirit was attached to. You watched as the spirit came back but before it could reach the boys, it burst into flames and then it was gone.

John came rushing back before he moved his boys out of the way before seeing if you were breathing. Your guess was that you weren't. He started CPR as you stood and watched them. They couldn't see you but you could see them.

"Y/N! Come on, you're not dying today." John said, desperation in his voice and eyes. You watched as Dean let a few tears slip as he watched you, hoping you would just wake up.

"Don't be afraid." You heard a voice say. You looked next to you and saw a tall man wearing a trench coat with a blue tie. He had the bluest of eyes and dark hair. You didn't know who he was but you weren't afraid.

"I'm not. Am I dead?" You asked.

"No, you're not. I won't allow it." The man said, looking at you.

"Who are you?" You asked, ignoring the cries of John as he tried to get you to wake up.

"My name is Castiel but you're not going to remember me when you wake up. I am here to protect you, to make sure you don't die. You're special, Y/N, and you are meant to do great things in life." He said, looking at you.

"Are you an Angel?" You asked, smiling a bit.

"Yes, I am an Angel of the Lord and he has asked me to look over you."

"I thought God didn't exist. I'm sorry I didn't believe before." You said, apologizing.

"Don't be sorry. He is there whether you believe or not. But just know that you're always protected and I won't let anything happen to you. That, you will remember."

"Why won't I remember you?" You asked, sad a bit by this.

"It's not time. Don't worry, we'll meet again. I know it. Now, it's time to go back to your family." He said, putting two fingers to your forehead. You felt yourself being pulled back into your body and you woke up with a gasp, looking around the room.

John cried as he pulled you into his arms, soothing your hair down.

"You fucking scared me. Don't ever do that again." John said, glad you were awake. You looked over at Sam to see him smiling through his tears and then you looked at Dean who you knew was trying to hold in his emotions. He was always doing that now.

"I'm okay, John, I'm here." You said, trying to remember what happened. All you remembered was that you were meant for great things and that you were always going to be protected.

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