Dean's 18th Birthday

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Author's Note: In this, the reader and Dean are 18 years old and Sam is 14 years old.


"Okay, Y/N, you know what to do? I need the whole day to get her ready so Dean can't come home until I call you." John said, giving you some money.

"Yes, John, I understand." You said, smiling at him and taking the money.

"Now, that should cover a day for you, Dean and Sammy. Please, don't make him feel left out."

"John, I would never do that. Now, go before Dean wakes up." You smiled and pocketed the money, going over to Sam who was already ready.

"What are we going to do?" Sam asked, smiling as he stood up.

"We are going to wake up your brother." You winked at him and walked over to Dean who was passed out. He was always a heavy sleeper so you needed to be a little extra in waking him up. You grinned at Sam, walking over to one side of the bed while Sam walked to the other side.

You nodded at him and you and Sam both pounced on Dean. He shot awake and he relaxed when he knew it was only his family.

"Happy Birthday!!!" You and Sam yelled. Dean smiled and he pushed you and Sam off him before sitting up.

"Alright, I'm up, but it's just my birthday. Nothing special." Dean said, shrugging, rubbing his eyes.

"Nothing special? Are you kidding me? This day is the day you were born. Of course, it's special. Now, get showered and dressed. We are taking you out." You said, crossing your arms.

"Where are we going?" Dean asked. You could see in his eyes that he was excited but he didn't show it. You knew Dean better than he did.

"Well you'll see when we get there. But the more time you spend asking questions, the less time we have to have fun." You said. Dean shook his head and chuckled, getting out of bed. When he was safely inside the bathroom, you high-fived Sam and got up.

"Okay, Sam, we can't use your dad's car right now so can you call a cab that can take us?" You asked, giving him your phone. He nodded and got to work, grabbing the phone book that was in every room. Today was one of the most special days in your life.

This was Dean's birthday and as much as you didn't want to admit it, you loved him and you always tried to make this day special for him. Whether you cooked him his favorite meals or took him out practice shooting with a gun you had John buy.

You always tried to do something special because Dean deserved it and he deserved the world. You've been in love with him for 4 years but you never did anything about it. You knew Dean only saw you as a friend and right now, you were perfectly okay with that. At least you got to be with him every day.

On some level, you knew that you and him will be together and you wished that time was now but there was still so much shit that was waiting to happen if you and Dean got together. All throughout your life, you always saw Dean with a girl but only for a few days until he found another one.

You didn't want to be that girl who had him for a few days. You wouldn't allow that for yourself because you deserved better than that. So, you would just have to be his best friend.

"Dean! Are you almost done?" You asked as you knocked on the bathroom door. It opened and you smiled, looking up into Dean's eyes. It was weird how you were the oldest one but he was taller than you.

"Yes I am." He smiled and slung an around your shoulders, pulling you close to him. You pretended like this move didn't just give you butterflies. You pretended like this movie didn't make you blush. You pretended like this isn't the man you were deeply in love with.

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