Father's Day

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Author's Note: In this, the reader is 12 years old.


What does it mean to be a father? You've never had one your whole life. It's always been just you and your mom and in a way, that was all you needed. Sure, you were envious of the kids who had two loving parents but then you would think why would you have to be jealous? If your dad didn't want you, then you wouldn't be sad about him.

Your mother took the roles of a father and of a mother all at the same time. You knew it was hard on her and you knew that she was hurting. You tried helping her all the time and as much as she was grateful, a kid shouldn't have an adult responsibility.

She took on everything all by herself and you loved her with all your heart.

But then she died.

And you were alone.

John Winchester took you in and as much as you were grateful, you just couldn't come to terms with the fact that he was your new dad. You never had a dad and you didn't need one now. Well, that is what you thought at 8-years-old. Now you were 12 and things have changed.

John sacrificed a lot for you. He took care of you when you were feeling down, when you got hurt when you asked for advice when you just needed a shoulder to cry on, and when you needed a little encouragement. He as the dad that you didn't know that was missing.

You never knew your real dad but you felt like you were betraying whoever it was if you loved John the way you loved your mom. You felt like you were being a bad kid for loving a man who wasn't your family. John never pressured you to call him dad or for you to love him and that is why you loved him even more.

John never had a girl to watch over so he didn't know what to do at the time. He was more delicate with you than with his boys. You were a more sensitive topic to him than his boys. John, of all people, knew you were broken when your mom died and he understood that, He gave you a home when you had none. He gave you shelter, food, and love that you didn't know you would ever get again.

So, when Father's Day came around, it was special to you because it was the first one when you knew that you loved John. You wanted him to know it so you wanted to do something special for him. Sam and Dean didn't really celebrate Father's Day but you wanted to.

You did what any other 12-year-old would do in your situation: You would make something for him because you had no money to do anything else. It wasn't much but you had made him a card, explaining how you were feeling. You already made him breakfast that morning and made sure that his day was the least stressful and so far, it was working.

"John?" You asked, walking to him while he was on the couch, cleaning some guns. Sam and Dean decided to go to sleep for the night which was perfect because you didn't want them here when you did this.

"Hey, Y/N, you should be sleeping. You know I have to go on a hunt and you have to be up to watch out for Sammy," John said, noticing you were shuffling around and looking down. "What's wrong?"

"Happy Father's Day." You said, shoving your hand that had the card out. He looked at you before the card, taking it from you.

"You didn't have to do this," John said, opening it.

"Yeah, I did." You said, watching his reaction to what you read. You saw him slightly smile and tears formed in his eyes.

"Y/N, thank you for this," John whispered, letting a tear fall.

"No, thank you. You took me in when I had no one. You gave me a home, food, and love. You sacrificed so much for me and I didn't know I would ever be a part of a family like yours. I never knew my dad and I don't think I ever will. But I'm glad to call you my dad because that is what you are. I love you, John. I mean, dad." You smiled.

John didn't say anything, instead, he pulled you into a hug. He held onto you tightly and you smiled, hugging him back.

"I love you," John whispered to you.

You finally had a family again.

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