Smoking Pot with Dean

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Author's Note: In this, the reader and Dean are 17 years old.


"Dean, if your dad catches us, we are so dead." You smiled, not a bit worried. You and Dean were 17 years old and you wanted to experience life and everything it had to offer before going on more and more hunts. There was a break between hunts and John let you and Dean have the night. Sam was only 13 and he had to stay in. You weren't going to involve Sam on this one anyways.

"That's why we're sneaking out." Dean chuckled. You followed him to the diner that was across the road from the motel you stayed at. You snuck around the back and grinned.

"We were lucky the first 5 times." You got out the bag you carried and grinned at him. He pulled out a couple of beers from John's jacket. John would be drinking that night and wouldn't notice it gone.

"And we'll be lucky again. I'm just glad Sammy doesn't know what we're doing." He chuckled and opened a can, taking a sip. You pulled out the blunt you pre rolled and took out your lighter, lighting it up. You took a drag and loved how it relaxed you.

"You should try it." You smirked and held out the joint for him.

"Not for me, sweetheart. I don't smoke." Dean turned down your offer.

"Alright, but you're missing out." You took another puff and held that one in for a few seconds before exhaling. You fought monsters for a loving and that shit gets to you. You needed a way to relax and marijuana did that for you. For Dean, it was drinking. It wasn't like you guys did this all the time. No, it was every once in a while when you were really tense and needed to relax.

"I can't believe we fight monsters for a living." You said, starting to feel your muscles relax.

"We've been doing it for so long, I forget what it's like to be normal." Dean said, drinking more beer. You had to be quiet enough so that no adults came looking. You didn't need to be in jail... again. You weren't a bad kid at all but there was a time when you had to go to jail because of a hunt. The police didn't have any evidence on you and let you go but that was the scariest experience by far.

"I do too. I miss it, you know. I miss having friends and going to school and worrying about school work rather than staying alive." You admitted.

"One, you have friends. You have me and Sammy. Two, you want to go back to school?" He looked at you. You sighed and took another smoke, exhaling before speaking.

"Of course I have you and Sammy. That's all I need. But don't you wonder what it's like to not worry about monsters? Live a life not knowing what's out there?" You looked at him.

"Not really." Dean shrugged, finishing his first beer.

"Really? Why?"

"What we do, we save lives and that is good enough for me." Dean took out another beer. He only had two because you couldn't go back to the motel stoned and drunk. You were almost finished with your blunt and that is all you needed.

"I guess." You said, shrugging.

"Why, is that not enough for you?" Dean wondered.

"It is. I love what we do. But it's nice to escape reality once in a while." Smoking marijuana was making you admit all sorts of things. You finished off the joint and threw it to the ground, stepping on it. Dean didn't finish the second beer and threw it away with the empty can.

"We're heroes. That's how I see it." Dean said, putting an arm around you.

"Come on, hero, lets go back. It was nice to get away. We should take our time. We don't need Sammy snitching on us." You giggled and walked with Dean back to the motel. You were relaxed and for the moment, you were happy.

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