You Check In With Sam At Stanford

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Warnings: nothing here worth mentioning

Author's Note: In this, the reader and Dean are 23 years old and Sam is 19.


One of the hardest things you ever had to do was watch Sam leave you and his family. He always wanted to do more than hunting and he should get to explore the world. You were going to miss him like hell but you didn't want to hold him back from the things he wanted to do.

John was pissed as hell and you didn't blame him. Sam and John never got along but that was because they were so similar. They both wanted more with Sam wanting to study law and John wanting that for his kid.

But it still broke your heart. Dean was broken about it probably the most because this was not only his brother, but his brother that got to do what he wanted. You knew Dean wouldn't have chosen hunting if he had the choice. Dean never got a childhood and Sam is just leaving as if he had one.

You wanted to be there for him and support him I whatever he wanted to do but you were hurt. Losing Sam was like losing a piece of you. He was one of your best friends and after being with him for so long, it was very sad.

But he left and has been gone for a year. John and Dean fought a little bit after Sam left but now, they work in harmony. Without Sam, it was like they could get the job done because there wasn't any fighting to happen.

Luckily, one of your cases brought you to California, close enough to Stanford to visit but far enough that you would need to drive. Dean wasn't going to let you use his car and John and Dean was too held up on the case to know just how close Sam was.

You talked to Sam almost every day but you wanted to know how he was doing. Of course, you would want to surprise him so you didn't say anything to Sam. You didn't say anything to Dean or John because they wouldn't let you do this.

That is why you snuck off right when they fell asleep and hitchhiked your way to Stanford. It didn't take you long to reach the school and when you did, you knew where to go. Sam told you what room he was staying in and all kinds of things about his life. You knew he met a beautiful young woman named Jessica Moore.

You felt happy for him but you wished he would come home already. You hopped one of the fences and snuck inside, making sure no one saw you. You saw the building where you knew Sam was staying but frowned when you saw it lit up. Man, they must be having a party. So unlike Sam.

You picked the lock and snuck inside the building, going up the stairs to the floor you knew where Sam was. As you got closer, the music got louder and louder until you were by his door. Weird, the music wasn't coming from his dorm. You looked down the hall and saw a much bigger dorm having the party.

You walked inside, smiling at all the college kids having fun. But you were on a mission. You kept your eyes peeled for the tallest Winchester. You felt your phone vibrating and when you looked at it, you saw that it was Dean calling. Shit. He must have woken up.

It wouldn't be long before he or John would trace your phone. You took it out and decided to message Dean instead.

I am okay. I just thought it would be nice to take a walk. I will be home soon. Don't wait up for me.

Okay, please be careful. Just come back before my dad wakes up.

"Are you new here?" You looked up to see a petite blonde girl who was smiling and had a beer in her hand.

"Yeah, I am. Today is my first day. I just transferred." You lied, smiling at her. You looked around for Sam but didn't see him.

"Welcome, then, my name is Jessica Moore. What's yours?" Your head snapped to hers and you knew Sam would be looking for her.

"Miranda Long." You said, thinking on the spot. You couldn't tell her your real name because then she would tell Sam and this would all be blown over.

"It's nice to meet you, Miranda. Want to meet some of my friends? My boyfriend, Sam is around here somewhere." She said, looking around.

"Sam? What's his last name?" You asked.

"Winchester. Why, you know him?" She asked.

"From a long time ago. High school mostly. How is he doing, by the way?" You asked, looking around.

"He's good. He's doing very well in school and I can see him being a very successful lawyer one day." She grinned, proud of her boyfriend.

"That's so nice to hear." You said honestly.

"Let me go get him. Maybe you two can catch up." She said, walking off. This was your chance. You got what you wanted and now you can leave. You snuck away, walking to the door of the dorm. You saw Jessica walk back with Sam but she looked confused.

You were hidden by the door and saw Sam talk to her. You saw them talk but they were interrupted by their friends. Sam laughed and held a beer, happy and content here. You smiled softly, knowing that when he left, he made a good choice. Not that hunting with Dean and John is a bad thing but you wished you could have something like this.

You left the dorm, happy that you got what you wanted. You didn't want to bring this up to John because then he would get pissed at you and if you mentioned this to Dean, he would get very upset. So you hitchhiked back to the motel room.

Dean and John were both asleep and that was a good thing. Maybe with Sam being gone and you knowing he was safe, you could be able to sleep just a little bit better.

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