Chapter II

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She had an exhausting half day, so, to lift her mood up, she went to her favorite restaurant to have her favorite meal as always.

Once there, she had a strange feeling that had her guts twitching.

She looked around the space but hadn't spotted anything, so she took her usual seat by the window glass and ordered pizza and pasta, and not moments later, her order was in front of her.

From his seat, he was observing her, every detail of her, the way she grabs the fork and twist the pasta swiftly, the way she takes small bites of food into her mouth and takes her time to chew on it while observing outside the window, the way she cleans her hand after finishing a slice of pizza so she can grab her phone and post some status and his phone vibrates with notifications from his fake accounts that he uses to follows her without her finding out it was him.

And he tried mimicking her way of twisting the fork around the pasta to form a small bite and ate it and wiped his mouth after like she did.

And once she finished, she ordered a Tiramisu to go.

He was sipping his water and observing her pay the check and leave with a small bag flashing the restaurant logo and that got the dessert inside.

Once she disappeared, he gestured for a waiter and he came with a wide almost annoying smile.

-"Prepare me a Tiramisu to go and bring me the check so I can pay and leave" he said and the waiter beamed before muttering a 'surely sir' and flew away.

Not moments later, he left the restaurant with a similar bag for dessert leaving behind him some happy stuffs because he told them to guard the money.

He walked back to the company and headed directly to his office, ignoring the looks he was receiving.

Once in his office, he puts the Tiramisu on his desk and took off his jacket and sit down on his chair.

He took the Tiramisu out of the bag, and put it in front of him.

Suddenly, his phone ringed with a notification, and he found out that she posted a nice picture of her dessert with a spoon in it and a little bit missing which he constates that she already started eating it, and he looked down the picture to find a sentence: My new addiction and some hashtags like #Tiramisu #foodlover #newaddiction.

He took the spoon and opened the lid of the cup, and debated on trying it, he was never one for sweets, but in the end, he got curious about why she would get addicted to something like that.

And just with the first bite, a fireworks of tastes exploded in his mouth and his brain reacted as if he got an access to some high quality drugs, the cream was not that sweet, and the biscuits inside were drenched in dark coffee of good quality, so the bitterness and the sweetness were on a perfect level, and he slumped back on his seat closing his eyes and enjoying the taste.

But suddenly, his phone made a special ring, indicating his other side of work, so he sighed and adjusted his position in his chair and took his phone to accept the call.

-"Boss, sorry to disturb you early, but we got a problem with the merchandise" said the voice from the other side of the line.

-"Why the hell you all acting stupidly today?" He said annoyedly and leaned back on his chair with the phone at his ear.

-"Boss we j-"

-"Shut up! You annoyed me extra today, you want another broken rib or should I just take a finger this time to make sure you understand how it works?" He said with a cold voice.

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