Chapter XXIII

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To him, learning was a privilege, and he couldn't afford this privilege, he always saw kids go to school, he observed them from his room's window.

They go to school with their school bags every morning, and the streets become calm, then, they return in the afternoon, and they play outside, and some of them carried books or stories, and he was so curious about what those things contained, so he asked his mother, but she ignored him, she never had the time for him.

He didn't know how to read, how to write, not even count, he couldn't even tell the time from a clock, he know that it's morning, evening and night, but never the right time, the hour, not even the minutes, he didn't know that the day was made of 24 hours, he just know that some days are longer than others, and some of them are shorter.

Did he even know that the year was made of 12 months? The month of weeks? No, he didn't even know how old he was.

But his father told him that he is old enough to do what he was obligated to do.

One day, he found an old magazine by the old sofa, his mother was busy, so he took it and got thrilled, it was the first time his hands touched something like that, and he was awed by all the words in there, the pictures, how can something so light carry all those words and people in?

But, it was the first and the last time he put his hand on something beautiful like that in that house.

-"Daniel?" A voice called.

He returned his gaze from the book on the table to the cell, and he found a guard.

-"Yes?" Daniel asked tiredly, it has been two weeks since he is here, and still, no change except what happened the day before.

-"You have a visitor" the guard said.

Daniel woke up the morning after only one hour of sleep or less, he didn't eat his breakfast, and Dave was grateful for having all that heavenly food for himself, so he walked lazily towards the cell bars and the guard opened for him to walk out and gestured for him to follow.

They reached the side where the prisoners meets their visitors, and he saw a line of prisoners waiting their turn to be called a leader to the meeting area.

The guard told him to wait for his turn, so he lazily bushed his back to the wall and closed his eyes, but suddenly, he got assaulted by someone as their bodies hit the floor and he groaned in pain, opened his eyes to be greeted by a happy Stanley.

-"Dude! You broke my bones! Get your fat ass away!" Daniel said as he tried to push him away while the other kept laughing hysterically.

-"Why the hell are you happy? Yesterday was so shitty, they kept asking me questions and I couldn't even sleep, I was so worried about you" Daniel said angrily.

Stanley helped him up and dragged him aside.

-"Forget about yesterday, I have good news" he said excitedly.

-"Which are..?" Daniel said with a raised eyebrow.

-"Next week, the day when we will be taken to court, it's the breaking day, we will be helped to escape, and we can start our new life! I'm so excited! I can finally visit my mother!" Stanley said excitedly.

-"You never talked about your mother" Daniel said a little bit surprised.

-"Well! Umm, to tell you the truth, I ran away from home, we were too poor, so I decided to have a life of my own, but I regret leaving, my home was warmer than any place I have been to, and my mother's bread was the tastiest thing I've ever had" Stanley said with a sad voice.

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