Chapter XXVI

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-"Operation Cid is a success, Daniel got into a huge fight and as you predicted no one helped him, he got injured, and now Cid will take care of everything" Oussama said to Khaled as he parked by the high school ten minutes before Imad and Walid finish their classes.

-"That's Good to hear, what about the other plan?" Khaled said through the phone.

-"I promised the boys a good meal and a movie" Oussama said.

-"I have to go Oussama, and there is no one I trust more than you to take care of her, I need you to take care of her for just a few hours and I'll be back" Khaled said through the phone.

-"You want me to move the place I'm taking them to to your house?" Oussama suggested and Khaled hummed in appreciation.

-"I don't hate the idea" Khaled mused.

-"I'm waiting for the boys to get out of school, we'll pass by the mall buy some stuff and we will come to you" Oussama said.

-"I won't be home, and she is out with Liam, but they will be there before you if you pass by the mall, she likes pizza, make some for dinner" Khaled finished with a smile.

-"Am I your bitch to order me around?" Oussama huffed and Khaled laughed.

All what Oussama wanted was for him to be happy, and seeing him recently, he just want his happiness to grow.

-"Thanks Oussama" Khaled said sincerely through the phone.

-"For what? Making me do some work out of my work hour? Nah! That's okay because I'm just a slave that doesn't have a right to rest and enj-"

-"We'll get a huge vacancy when all this shit end" Khaled cut him.

-"Yeah, like you said five years ago about that operation, I'm still waiting for that vacation" Oussama said mockingly.

-"This time is different, I want her to enjoy a vacancy at least once in her life" Khaled said with a strange tone.

-"The bell rang, the boy's are coming, see you tonight" Oussama said and Khaled hanged off.

Inside the high school...

-"FINALLY!" Walid said happily as he dragged a smiling Jason with him.

-"You seem happy" Jason said.

-"Imagine! Imad's dad is going to take us enjoy the rest of the day!" Walid said with shining happiness.

-"I'm jealous" Jason said with a smile.

-"Come with us" Imad said suddenly and startled both of them.

-"I can't, my brother is coming to take me" Jason said.

-"Let's head outside, papa is already waiting" Imad said and walked with them out.

Liam was waiting by the door and took his brother to the car, while both Imad and Walid jumped into Oussama's car happily.

-"How was school?" Oussama asked as he drove out of the parking.

-"BORING!" Both of them said in union and Oussama smiled.

-"I got a new plan, we will join some friends, have fun, watch a movie or play, and I'll cook some dinner, so we will first pass by the mall" Oussama said and the boys almost jumped up in joy.

Once the shopping ended, they were heading to Khaled's house with the car full of shopping bags and food.

As Oussama stopped the car, Walid lifted his face from the phone and his jaw almost hit the ground at the sight of the beautiful house, while Imad was asleep in a cute and funny way with the hoodie up and his hair down his face.

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