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he was like the moon,
part of him was always
hidden away.

he was like the moon, part of him was always hidden away

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         GARRETT LOCKWOOD WAS a bit of an asshole. He knew it, his friends knew it, and so did the students of Midtown. He prided himself on the reputation, prided himself on the fact that people adored him when he walked the halls, but he also hated it. The only person who didn't seem to fully understand the concept was a boy named Peter Parker. But it had started over summer when Peter met him at his summer job where he was supposed to be nice to people.

Working at the local ice cream shop meant he got free ice cream once per shift is what originally drew him there, bringing him back every summer to work since he never had the time during the school year because of his soccer practices. And, one day, Peter Parker showed up for ice cream. Then he came back. And again. And soon enough Garrett couldn't help but wonder how far Peter's obsession with ice cream went and the conversation struck between them and the two began talking. Soon, though, their little meetings at work turned to after shifts and Peter had gained the number of Garrett, one of the most popular people in school.

It didn't stop there as the two grew closer as summer drew to an end. Then Garrett kissed Peter, and he did it again. They finished off summer with the label of boyfriends, only boyfriends that were staying hidden. While he really did like Peter, he didn't want everyone to know. Garrett Lockwood had a reputation to uphold and hanging out with dudes on the soccer team with egos that made them feel like a gay guy in locker rooms would look at them, he didn't want to come out. He wanted to keep Peter Parker a secret.

And it was fine. Peter was a nice boyfriend who understood and didn't even tell his own friends, Ned and MJ. It was fine. Until it wasn't.

 Until it wasn't

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cast !

garrett lockwood played by brandon flynn

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