xi. Change the World

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〖 chapter eleven ⋆ change the world 〗

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chapter eleven change the

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         "Peter's back," Tatiana said as she turned back to her friend. He shot her a look as she smiled sweetly at him, "What?"

         "I don't need you to tell me when Peter comes in. He's his own person," he said back, smiling and taking the order of another customer, indeed seeing the familiar brunet at the back of the line.

         Tatiana scoffed from behind him, going close to whisper in his ear, "He hasn't been around recently, Gar."

         "He was probably busy," he shrugged it off, not wanting to feel the guilt anymore. But with guilt came a great feeling – a wonderful feeling, as if he were on cloud nine. "Maybe he went out of town for a while."

         "He's your favorite customer, and he used to come every day. Don't you think it's a bit weird he just stopped coming all together one day?" she asked him.

         No. It wasn't suspicious at all, seeing as he knew the truth. He knew exactly why Peter stopped coming there for ice cream – and it was his fault. It was all because of him. But he made things better, he told the truth (a little bit of it, anyway) and it ended greatly. So Peter was back here now, he was coming back (hopefully) every day so that he could see that face again.

         "Like I said," he repeated, calmly even though his heart was racing slightly thinking about Peter, "He was pretty busy."

         Tatiana stared at him for a moment as he took the money from the customer and placed it in the register. "Fine," she relented, "Let's say he was busy."

         He nodded. He thought back to their second kiss – the better kiss. He thought back to what happened after it, how Peter smiled at him in that same way again of elated happiness. He looked so much like the sun, a ray of it on earth, and he was blinded by the boy. It was glorious to witness, to be the one bringing that look onto his face. He couldn't help but sneak another kiss, not that Peter minded.

         It felt so glorious. It was only later when it felt so wrong. This was a sin, it was against the will of his father. Everything was so wrong about it, but in the moment...life couldn't be better. Fuck his father – fuck everything. That was what Peter made him feel. As if he was on top of the world.

         But he wasn't.

         He could pretend, though.

         And now Peter was back. It didn't feel like a mistake when he saw the boy move up and he smiled, ready to take his order. It felt powerful – as if he was soaring. And Peter smiled back at him, happy to be there.

Honest ━ Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now