iii. These Four Walls

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〖 chapter three ⋆ these four walls 〗

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chapter three these four

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         "No smoking in here, Lockwood."

         The cigarette that had been hanging between his lips, unlit, was slapped away and he glared at his friend but Tatiana sent her own back, which was much deadlier. He rolled his eyes and picked up the fallen cigarette, placing it back in his box to use for later.

         "Oh don't give me that look," she scoffed at him, "You know the rules – you worked here, for God's sake."

         "Yeah, yeah, but I was hoping you'd let it slide now that my summer job is over," Garrett said back to her.

         Tatiana gave him a wide, teasing grin as she leaned in closer across the counter where he stayed since he wasn't allowed behind it anymore. That was for employees only and Garrett Lockwood was unemployed as of the first week of school. "Never in a million years," she told him before leaning back. "Take that nasty shit outside if you wanna kill your lungs. Unlike you, I actually wanna live a long time."

         "I'm sure," he threw in sarcastically, "But if I go out there you'll get on to me about my people watching so..."

         "That's because you're a creep," she finished for him, looking at the customer waiting in line and deciding whether or not to take their order – it was her job, after all – before one of her co-workers took them. Thankfully. "And don't bother trying to deny it."

         He rolled his eyes, "I'm not a creep, Tati, I just like to admire people."

         "Which is creepy," she restated, playing with the strands of hair framing her face with the rest in a bun, "You're a creep."

         Garrett took a bite of his ice cream – cotton candy, his favorite – and then stuck out his tongue, showing the melting treat. In response, she wrinkled up her nose in disgust and he laughed. "You're so easy, Lawson."

         "Oh, fuck off, Garrett," she bit back.

         "You say that to a paying customer? How rude. I might have to report you to your manager," Garrett teased, grinning the whole time and giggling – no, chuckling, men didn't giggle – at her expression.

         "You aren't a paying customer, you're an ex-employee who's just here to annoy and distract me from my job," Tatiana corrected, using her hands to illustrate her point.

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