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"It's probably a trap"

'I kept telling myself, still I made myself run towards Scrap Brain Zone where I hopefully would meet Miles, the murderer behind it all. I didn't want to meet up to him, but having the job to catch him...

I don't really have much of a choice...'

Sonic kept running over the zones, breaking confused robots and badniks on his way.

"I really don't have the time for this!"

Sonic talked to himself in annoyance, kicking another krabmeat into the distance. He finished Star Light Zone and decided to take a short break before making his way into Eggman's old fortress, hopefully broken down and out of power.

"I really don't want to deal with the Egg at this point..." Sonic sighed and leaned his hand against a tree, without its leaves, because of the burned down environment.

"Ok Sonic, you know what you are getting yourself into"

The hedgehog started, sighing at his own stupidity.

"You are, in a short while, going to meet the worlds biggest criminal. Without any knowledge of his appearance whatsoever, and he might kill me in the process... Sound like a plan"

Sonic, happy with himself, rubbed his nose before speeding off into Scrap Brain Zone.

The broken fortress of Doctor Ivo Robotnik is sure not functional.

Plantlife have taken over the place, covering almost every button and electricity there is. The lighting is down as well with it, not giving Sonic any options to turn on any switches.

"Oh great, I can't see anything" He mumbled to himself. Walking around blindly in a torn down fortress, that might be working afterall, plus that there is a serial killer inside somewhere.

'This is suicide...'

Yet, Sonic walked inside.

"Now if I remember correctly so is Eggman's big boss room here" Sonic mumbled.

Finding his way by pressing his arms towards the walls, taking baby steps, guiding himself into the big room, seeing something he didn't quite expect.

The room must be at least two houses tall, maybe three. The room is also circle shaped and can fit The Death Egg robot, Egg Golem and The Egg Viper all three inside. The room itself now is only a scrap yard with broken pieces of metal.

"Turns out Eggy didn't clean up after himself either, great job doc"

The hedgehog looked around on the room, especially eyeing the control room just a few meters up in the air. Sonic could jump through the glass windows with the wall's support, but that is not necessary at the moment.

Right now he need to wait for Miles, so Sonic did as he is used to- wait.

He sat down on the metal ground, crossing his legs and leaning his chin onto his hand.

The fortress is unusually quiet, not that it's a bad thing, but Sonic is used to all the clinking noises of metal whenever he ran through this place.

Even a small part of him wants Eggman and his "evil schemes" to come back. He was the only mobian- uh- human being who put the exitement in everything. No matter how lame his plans were, there was always something new about each one.

"Man, you really didn't see me?"

Sonic got up instantly and looked around for the voice, only to hear an echoing chuckle. Miles is in the room, but where?

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